Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Up: I am awake and full of energy.. yay, good day to rewrite that thesis :p

Down: The second reader of my thesis wants me to erase something I've written, though my supervisor necessarily wanted me to include it :confused:
Up: Mine and Kate's friend Alie came over for a sleepover :)
Up: Banana, qwack, qwack. Haha, it's mine, Kate's and Alie's new saying :p...I like it.

Down: Nothing
Up: Nothing much to do on my thesis at the moment, and going out to the movies tonight :)

Down: I just whacked my little toe so hard on the shoe cabinet about 20 minutes ago. I don't know how it happened *stupid* I was worried I'd broken it or something but I think it'll just be bruised for a while.
Up: I am going bowling in about an hour

Down: I was at the dentists earlier

Up: whilst I was at the dentist I didn't have to stop him once, and I didn't even have my music on!! :D
Hope you get better, Roos and sandleissocute! ;)
And your cat too, sandleissocute!

Up: feeling happy

Down: my dog is sick :(
Up: Well, I get to buy some new jeans today. Annnnd, I get my Graduation Pictures back (ohnoz!). Plus, I have to go to NAIT to get my ID photo taken so they don't arrest me in the halls.

Down: I have to go driving and in Barrhead in the afternoon, EVERYONE'S up and I'm scared I might almost hit someone again ;_;
Thanks, Dolph! And your wishes helped. I'm back, being healthy! :)

Up: Have to work again, tomorrow. :)

Down: I have to go to the jaw surgeon in a month or something, and I'm NOT looking forward to it.
Oh not good Roos :( Well.. actually I visited the jaw surgeon (dental surgeon I think it's called in English, but not sure) several times last year.. and it rocked!! They have the best aenestethics ever! Had me cracking up loads of times during surgery, it even started to annoy the nurses too haha. Hope that cheered you up :) It's true though :p

Up: will see her again tomorrow.
Down: still so many things to do before tomorrow.
Down: My mom is severely pissed at me. She won't stop screaming and telling me how horrible I am.

Up: I'm gonna see if my Grandma can get me out of the house for a while.
Up: gonna have a great day tomorrow
Down: don't know what to pack
Down: my brother sold his playstation to someone else, I wanted it :(
Down: I just found a nasty bug in my underwear drawer *shiver*
up:i ate ice cream for breakfast!
down:i also ate a very hard donut today!
up: i had a really good sleep
down:i almost fell off the top of a bunk bed!
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