Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Up: Feeling much better. The birds stop attacking my window. I found out how to use the Notes function on iTunes. And I threw a bunch of stupid photos on Colbert too, just so I can be a dork and look at them.

Down: iTunes Music Store is still demanding my soul and won't let me do anything.
Tinkerbell said:
I got a letter from the doctor asking me for a smear test. *cries* That could well be the worst news I've had all year. :(

Hopefully it's nothing to worry about. I spent about 6 months studying cancer as part of my degree last year, and I learnt that they send those letters out to practically every woman over a certain age (I think it's 25) inviting them for a test. As long as you are registered with a GP, you will get a letter from the NHS. So don't worry too much *passes a cookie* :)

Up: Emailed 3 chapters of my thesis off to my supervisor this morning, so can take a break for the next couple of days. Also went shoe shopping in the city :D

Down: Nothing (yet).
Up: Got my filling redone and I only made my little sister suffer an hour of dentist instead of what I thought was going to be 2 hours.

Down: The filling has the most disgusting taste in the world and it will not stop tasting disgusting no matter what I eat or still tastes like disgusting filling.

Down: My little sister wanted to go hang out at the community center so now I'm stuck here on the computers they have only I can't go on MSN because I can't install it
Up: my family is going out so I will be left in the house by myself, which means plenty of time on here!!

Up: whilst they are out I get to listen to some really good music of my own :D

Up: I actually have to go into work later, it is not a case that I want to - strange thing to have as an up really

Down: my best friend has left today to go to her grandma's funeral tomorrow :( :( :(
wibble said:
Up: Emailed 3 chapters of my thesis off to my supervisor this morning, so can take a break for the next couple of days. Also went shoe shopping in the city :D
Good work Wibble!! :D I know how good that feels :p I have about three days to rewrite my thesis :( Started again way too late.. oh well, nothing better to do at the moment, so I'll work through the night as well.

Up: I slept so much the past two days that I have energy enough to make it through two nights without much sleep, I hope.
Hope you get better soon, sandleissocute! ;)

Up: my mother made lunch.

Down: gave a bath to the (huge) dog and then had to take a bath and clean the bathroom and now I'm tired :rolleyes:
Down: Caught the flu.

Up: First day at work was nice. :)
Up: Got a new cat today.
Up: I'm going to sleep in a while, and I love the idea.
Down: I'm iTunes bitch now, according to the latest Error message to pop up and yell at me ;o;

Up: Oh, but Huzzah! I had a Skor Bar so now I'm happy XD
up:eeeeeeeh me and my friends are hanging out today!!!
down:my back is really really itchy(and i cant reach to scratch it)
up: my kitty is growing up!
down:she threw up yesterday...and i had to clean it...EWWWWW!
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