Unfortunate Names

Dube? I can think of so many ways to make fun of that... :lol:
Now I'm just being mean. *Slaps herself on the head*
I had a teacher named Marlo...I don't know, I thought that was funny, I had never heard that name before...and I had a janitor named Mr. Roach and a principal named Mr. Leach :lol:
Me and my mom came up with a bunch:
Ben Dover, Anita Bath, Al Cohol, Maya Buttreicks, Paige Turner, and on Charlie's Angles: Helen Zas
Oh my god these are so funny!!

At school, we had a Ms. Monk, Mr Stalker, Mr Corner, Mrs Auldjo (old jo), mrs Bjonnes (pronuced Behonest), Ms. Whitehouse, Mr Knoblet. I also went to school with a Pamela Anderson and a Niomi Campbell.

A couple in Scotland actually called theyre child Sonneywolferine, NO JOKE!!! OO and there was a Scot Land as well

As for sportsman there's Dean Windass, Suker (croatian)
and ex-celtic player Raphael Schiet (Brazilian).

Can't beat Princess Conseula Bananahammock!!
at my elemetnary school there was a guy who won an award so his name was on a plaque in the main hall, its B.J. Harddick.
LMAO! hehehe

Well i always thought Lake Titicaca was a hilarious name.. HAH!

and this isn't really an actual unfortunate name but i always thought it was funny that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney went into office together.
DICK and BUSH! :lol: oh boy
LMAO! hehehe

Well i always thought Lake Titicaca was a hilarious name.. HAH!

and this isn't really an actual unfortunate name but i always thought it was funny that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney went into office together.
DICK and BUSH! :lol: oh boy

LMAO! :lol: :lol: :lol:
my mom works with kids who have speech problems. she has one little boy named precious. precious! that is his birth given name. i feel sorry for him. she also works with a brother and sister name destiny and justice. why do parents do these things to their children??
Have y'all seen on VH-1 "Awesomely Bad Baby Names". It's soooo funny! Their #1 bad name was "Pilot Inspektor". Yeah, that was the kid's first name. How horrible it that!
One of our teacher's last name is Saks (like sucks) :D Well actually I know quite many people with that name.
Oh and when we went on a class trip to Latvia,then the "passport checker's" last name was Tits :lol: Well actually I have a funny last name too,if you spell it a little differently (2 letters)..but I think,I'll keep that as a secret ;)