"Two and a Half Deaths" Discussion *SPOILERS*

It was kind of lame except for the tongue cheeks remarks about the Emmy and the jumping the shark by Brass.

The ending made no sense and I had no clue what was going on with that blonde.

Ironically, the remarks about aging actresses hit home given the heated discussions about Nick's upcoming relationship with his pseudo daughter.
Yeah I can't believe that a man who had a certificate for Roy Rogers horse would not know who The Fonz is but that was the impression I got from that scene.
I wasn't thrilled by this episode. To be honest, I was skeptical going into it, and now I feel justified in that. I mean, it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't... good, either.

I did, however, enjoy the scene between Wendy and Hodges.

Okay, short, I know, but I don't really have anything else to add at this point.
Ironically, the remarks about aging actresses hit home given the heated discussions about Nick's upcoming relationship with his pseudo daughter.

Oh seriously, that is EXACTLY what I thought when I heard it too! Someone is reading our minds...or posts! :lol:
Quite honestly, I paid very little attention to the plot of this episode. However, there were two standout areas I must comment on: (1) Hodges versus the tampon - a classic. I actually found that pretty funny, especially when Wendy was showing him how they work. I'll bet most men wonder about the mystery of tampons. Even Prince Charles stated years ago that he wanted to be one (Ba-da-pum!l).

(2) Did Catherine grow a new pair? I mean, Holy Cow!...her chest looked two sizes larger in that white tucked-in top! Was I imagining it, or is that a joke on the part of the writers? The Two and a Half Men episode shown on Monday night had a joke about a physically endowed female CSI. I'm thinking that maybe they did it for this CSI episode too. I can't be the only one who noticed. I'll have to rewatch the episode more closely to make sure I wasn't imagining it.
Why would blood thinners not be prescribed for someone with an ulcer?
Wouldn't the thinner thin the blood though???
The name "Blood Thinner" is sort of deceptive as one might think to slow it down because it thins the blood, but it doesn't actually thin the blood what it actually does is stop it from clotting (ie stopping). With an ulcer you want to stop the bleeding quickly as possible but if given a blood thinner that would be like pouring water out of a glass it would gush on your insides and you would bleed to death. This is what I mean when I say it can be deceptive. You can't take an asprin (or its advised you don't) because they can be considered blood thinners as well.

Hope that helped. :)
Ok, kudos to the hodges/wendy scene...probably the only scene I found entertaining and I'm not just saying that because hodges is my man. But the rest of the episode I found slightly difficult to follow and stay focused on, and that never happens when I watch CSI. Oh well, I guess one episode out of eight seasons isn't so bad.

I'll give the writers credit for the attempt, but please, no more...lol!

One thing that kinda irritated me was the "Extra" scenes after each commercial break. I understand the point they were trying to pull off with it, but it was to much.

But the one other thing I enjoyed was superdaves comments to Grissom in the opening sequence.
Oh yeah the "Extra" scenes really annoyed me too. Were they trying to promote them or something, because it felt more like many shameless plugs to me. Oh well, next week looks to be good.
Overall, I think it was a so-so episode, but then again I was questioning the crossover to begin with. I like two and half men but personally I think the writers of the show should stick to stick to what they do best, comedy without crime solving. However, the CSI writers are pretty good at both and usually their comedy doesn’t feel forced.

And SMOKEY, as for when they swabbed the bf’s mouth, you saw someone leave the room but they were blurred. I don’t think it was any of the CSIs.
And SMOKEY, as for when they swabbed the bf’s mouth, you saw someone leave the room but they were blurred. I don’t think it was any of the CSIs.

Well, I know someone was there, I just mean normally they would have Greg in there doing it or whatever. And they normally would show Mandy scanning the prints.

I noticed in the beginning that one, odd CSI guy who pops into a scene now and then was there. What did Grissom call him?
Ok, I have come to a conclusion that will suffice enough for me to sleep tonight. No man, especially one who knows everything about everything, could have a sweet ass tv like the one shown in GDC and not know who Fonzie is. Period. Not to mention the fact that the man has SERIOUS taste in pop culture/whatever you want to call it. Case in point, "Clark Gable was a movie star!" SERIOUSLY ULTIMATE GRISSOM LINE EVER!
"A mime is a terrible thing to waste."

Worst joke EVER, and yet I laughed just because it was the worst joke ever.

The tampon scenes and the bit at the end with the shaving accident were funny too, but overall this episode was awful.

But, in an "I would watch it again just to bask in it's awfulness" sort of way, not in a "burn it out of my head before it hurts me again" sort of way. If that makes any sense.
Real quickly, as I'm still watching the episode --

The lower set of Universal Studios, where they filmed the death of Annabelle's assistant -- I was just there back in October lol. In fact, I was right next to the War of the Worlds plane that Grissom and Brass drove by. :)

The Two and a Half Men cast cameo was way shorter than George's on Monday.
The summary in a nut-shell:
Loved Katey! Glad she had lots of screen time. Cath looked great. Cath & Gil still have the great chemistry, even when they’re not in the same room. Wendy & Hodges is quickly becoming my favorite flirty ship. Hodges and Wendy with the tampon scene is among the best of the season. A few too many jokes of the "lame" variety and a little too much "extra" for me. David jiggling the breast implants was the funniest part.

For my full summary, you can go here

(2) Did Catherine grow a new pair? I mean, Holy Cow!...her chest looked two sizes larger in that white tucked-in top! Was I imagining it, or is that a joke on the part of the writers? The Two and a Half Men episode shown on Monday night had a joke about a physically endowed female CSI. I'm thinking that maybe they did it for this CSI episode too. I can't be the only one who noticed. I'll have to rewatch the episode more closely to make sure I wasn't imagining it.
Actually, it was her high-waist pants that made her upper torso look shorter, thus putting more attention on her... assets.
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