Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Grissom: If that thing ran out of here and bit the shooter in the ass, the county would not approve a $10,000 purchase order.

Grissom: "Yeah, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Without the wait."
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Grissom: Tom Haviland goes to bed with what he thinks are two women, reaches down on one, and becomes very confused. :lol:


Grissom: Like the old saying goes, "Never be caught with a dead girl, or a live boy."
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

SARA: Music, alcohol, candles. Kid was a regular Romeo.
GRISSOM: "For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo"
(Greg appears between Grissom and Sara holding the open condom wrapper.)
GREG: Condom wrapper.
(He looks at them and shows it to them.)
GRISSOM: So much for safe sex.

GRISSOM: Hello, Conrad.
CONRAD ECKLIE: I thought you were in court.
GRISSOM: We had a one-hour recess -- I'm on my way back now. And this must be Mr. Billmeyer. I'm so glad he's back.
CONRAD ECKLIE: Very funny.
GRISSOM: You might want to have Hodges analyze that cigar. Oh, and the print tech is free. He could, uh, spray the party hat with ninhydrin.
CONRAD ECKLIE: I think I remember how to do my job, Gil, thank you.
GRISSOM: I love it when you wear your gloves.

GRISSOM: (frustrated) I'm going insane. I don't understand this diagram.
CATHERINE: (sighs and shakes her head) You don't need a diagram.
(Grissom starts fiddling with his tie again.)
CATHERINE: You need a woman.

SOPHIA : You don't recognize me.
GRISSOM: Apparently not.
SOPHIA : In the lab, I usually wear my hair up.
(He glances at her, then recognizes her.)
GRISSOM: Oh, yeah ... You're pulling in when I'm pulling out.
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

greg: im like a sponge i absorb everything.
Grissom: that was my line
greg: and i absorbed it.

ok so maybe thats more a greg quote. but hey both there names start with G.
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

I think it is absolutely hilarious when Grissom asks the two fumigators (in Crow's Feet) out of the blue, "Does it ever bother you that it make your living killing insects?", and they just stare at him totally confused and one of them states: "What kind of question is that?!"

How cool was that?! :)
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

I think it is absolutely hilarious when Grissom asks the two fumigators (in Crow's Feet) out of the blue, "Does it ever bother you that it make your living killing insects?", and they just stare at him totally confused and one of them states: "What kind of question is that?!"

How cool was that?! :)

Indeed. That was pure Grissom. :lol:
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Grissom: Beauty in truth, truth beauty, that is all you know on earth and all you need to know...exept cause of death.
Grissom: As Lord Byron once said "In the dessert, a fountain is springing".
Grissom: Still waters run deep

(I watched Swap Meet a little while ago) :lol: :D
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

GRISSOM: People who drive $100,000 vehicles don't usually run away from them.
BRASS: Well, you obviously haven't met any paroled rappers. :lol:

GRISSOM: Hola. :)

GRISSOM: Gracias.
TACO STAND OWNER: Denada. Oh, it's on the house.
GRISSOM: Muchas gracias. :)
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Grissom (to Sheriff Atwater): Listen, if this is about dinner, I'm free next week. I'll be having the fish.
(Invisible Evidence) - it's all in how he says it! so funny
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

"High altitude enhances the entire sexual experience. It increases the euphoria."
-- Gil Grissom - Unfriendly Skies

"There's only one interpretation for this, he killed a pig"
--Gil Grissom - Cross Jurisdictions

"Dressed as a woman, among men dressed as that's a disguise."
-- Gil Grissom
Grissom: what is Victoria secret?
Sara: Beauty, Grissom. Remember?

MADGE: Howdy.
GRISSOM: Well, howdy. I was wondering, do you carry adult diapers?
MADGE: Oh, we sure do. (She looks at Grissom.) What are you, about a 34, 36?
GRISSOM: Well, they're not for me.
MADGE: Oh. (She looks at Nick.) Well, aren't you lucky to have such a nice daddy?


I know that you first quote with Victoria's Secret was from the hockey player episode, (forgot the name sorry) and then second quote was from King Baby.

I lke the one where you find out Sara is a vegatation.

Grissom: I would like to send a girl some flowers. Wait, not flowers a living plant she likes vegatation. A sentiment? Oh for the card. Uh. Uh. Uh. Just put on there from Grissom. That is such a cute one of him trying to think of something to say on the card.
GRISSOM: "Margaritaville"? :lol:
(Sophia stops and looks at Grissom.)
GRISSOM: That is still the lab's password, right?

ECKLIE: Warrick Brown and Nick Stokes will report to Catherine. Greg Sanders, pending his proficiency, Sara Sidle and Sophia will report to you.
SOPHIA : (stunned) You're demoting me.
ECKLIE: I think you and Grissom suit each other.
(Sophia stares at Ecklie in disbelief and shakes her head.)
GRISSOM: (quietly) Why are you doing this?

GRISSOM: Heracleitus once said, "It is in changing that we find purpose."
Sara: Since when have you cared about beauty?
Grissom: Since I met you.
Grissom: Teenage wastland.
Warrick: What?
Grissom: Yeah.
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