Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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GRISSOM: Are you a terrorist?
WALTER GORDON: Are you terrified?
GRISSOM: Look, I really don't want to talk to you. Where is my guy?
WALTER GORDON: Oh, so ... he is 'your guy,' huh?
GRISSOM: Yes, he is. Where is he buried?
WALTER GORDON: Are you two close?
GRISSOM: That's none of your business.

GRISSOM: (murmurs encouragingly) Oh, come on, pal.
(Another ant barely walks over the lens, but not much.)
GRISSOM: Yeah. That's it.
(Grissom sits in front of the monitor.)
GRISSOM: Come on. Little more.
(Sara steps up behind Grissom and watches what he's doing.)
GRISSOM: (coaxing) Keep coming. Show me what you're made of. Come on, buddy.
(An ant dances across the edge of the lens.)
(Finally, it lands dead center on the lens.)
Grissom hits the print button.)
GRISSOM: Gotcha!

GRISSOM: Pancho, nod your head if you understand me.

GRISSOM: All right, Pancho, we're gonna open the lid and get you out, but I need you to stay lying down. Okay? Or else you'll blow us all up. (Nick nods.) You understand that?
NICK: Yeah, yeah.
GRISSOM: Do you promise?
(Nick nods. The backhoe engines get louder as the machine approaches.)
GRISSOM: Pancho, say, "I promise."
NICK: (crying) I promise.
oh I love the Poncho sequence too, even reading it makes me emotional :)
GRISSOM:  (excited)  I just got it.  It's a certificate of honorary ownership of Trigger, "The Smartest Horse in the Movies," issued by Roy Rogers to the Children of America.   Roy felt that the children of America were the true owners of Trigger, so any kid that would write him, he'd send 'em one of those.
SARA: And where did you get it?
GRISSOM: The Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Museum, which used to be in Victorville,
California, and is now in Branson, Missouri.
SARA: Roy Rogers, the cowboy?
GRISSOM: King of the cowboys.   (Sara nods, oh.)  I wrote to him when I was four.   He sent me one of those.   I lost it, so I thought I'd replace it.
SARA:  (amused)  And then you thought you would frame it.

GRISSOM: I don't think we're gonna get lucky with this guy.   He knows how to work clean.

GRISSOM: We're not sure who has your son ... or why.
JUDGE STOKES: Well ... what the hell do you know?
GRISSOM: Very little.
Grissom to Sara "Well, you do know how to light up a room."

Grissom to Sean Nolan "Whoa. Is that a pickle in your pocket or are you just happy to see us?"
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Can't remember the ep: "If you wait by the river long enough, the body of your enemy will float by."

When they find the detatched leg/foot in PMJ: "Dr. Watson, the game is afoot."
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

That is the ep. Homebodies: Grissom: Sun Tzu once said, "If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies
of your enemies will float by."
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Some quotes I love :)

Grissom: "When exactly did war become a party?"

Greg: "I could have been a rock star."
Grissom: "There's still time, Greg."

Grissom: "This woman was stabbed. I guess the cats are off the hook."

Grissom: "We need a treadmill -- a big one."
Nick: "All right, to do what?"
Grissom: "Exercise a bus."
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Some quotes I love :)
Greg: "I could have been a rock star."
Grissom: "There's still time, Greg."

Grissom: "A little more absorbing , a little less rock'n'roll. " :lol:
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

I'm going to mess this up (I always do):

Grissom: Let's see if he exercised any of the more agressive aspects of his inner animus...

Grissom: Male cat urine. To us, disgusting. To a female cat, it must be like aftershave. :lol:
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

did anyone mentione the one about the baby?

Grissom: Everyone didn't find that baby. I did. And that little boy is dead because
someone lost their temper or screwed up, or god knows what. So, excuse me, but this
victim is special.

That gave me shivers.
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

GRISSOM: Well ... poker's not a game of interaction. It's a game of observation. I used to study people. And then I guess I, uh ... got bored. Now I study evidence.
WARRICK: What I don't get is it's not like we've never talked about gambling before. How come you never mention it?
GRISSOM: Same reason a good player hides his "tells."
(WARRICK nods his head.)
WARRICK: He doesn't want to be exposed. :)

RONNIE LITRE: Hey, Grissom. Hooked you up.
(GRISSOM opens the bag and pulls out a large blue-tinted eye glass.)
GRISSOM: Is this the same color as the contact lens?
RONNIE LITRE: Only bigger. Glass is my life.
GRISSOM: All right, stick around. I need your eyes.
RONNIE LITRE: As long as they stay in my head. :lol:

GRISSOM: Ultimately the tetrahydrozoline in the eyedrops triggered it, but essentially, it was ... death by chocolate. :eek:
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