Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Cass said:
Greg: All work and no play makes Greg a dull boy.
Grissom: All play and no work makes Greg an UNEMPLOYED boy...

I saw this one in the RAOV script I read last night in prep for Spike's rerun. Love it.

Anyone have a copy of the exchange between Ecklie and Grissom in Iced?. But this line sticks out. "I love it when you wear your gloves" *loves the suited Gris in that ep*
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Warrick: Who brings a gun to a knife fight?

Grissom: The winner?
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

My gosh it's been awhile since I posted a quote. :eek:
I'm gonna post several quotes from each episodes beginning with the Pilot and go from there. :D

Pilot: Season One

GIL GRISSOM: Thanks. Would you mind taking off your jacket and rolling up your sleeve?
GIL GRISSOM: I need a pint of your blood. It's customary for all new hires.
GIL GRISSOM: (he chuckles) So many reasons.


WARRICK BROWN: Whose blood is that?
GIL GRISSOM: The new girl's. Would you like to donate?


GIL GRISSOM: I know, Pink Floyd's not your thing.
CHARLOTTE: I have on cowboy boots. I work in a lab. What makes you think "Dark Side of the Moon" synched to the Wizard of Oz is going to warm my damn barn?
GIL GRISSOM: I just thought it'd be something different.
CHARLOTTE: You want to be different? Pin me up against a wall; lay one on me like you mean it.
(CHARLOTTE gets up and walks past GRISSOM.)
CHARLOTTE: You're slacking, pal.
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Grissom (to Catherine): I did miss you. I missed your passion, your tenacity...I even missed your tush.
Grissom (stares open-mouthed at the show girl in Table Stakes)
Catherine: Close your mouth
no words required :lol:
Grissom: Nick, you're a grown man. Stop whining.
Grissom: Smells are like fingerprints, my dear.
Grissom: I believe in God. Not religion.
so true.
Catherine: Is it a crime to crave a little human contact?
Grissom: That's why I don't go out
Grissom: I want my guys back.
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Cool Change: Season One

GIL GRISSOM: So he pulled a "Louganis," huh?


(GRISSOM walks into the room and puts his kit down. He sees the large square cut out in the middle of the room.)

GIL GRISSOM: Nice swatch, Nick. Pizza box-sized.


GIL GRISSOM: You know what? If I let you go I got to let me go, too. And Catherine ... and Brass. We're all culpable in this. I don't care what the book says. I lost one good person today. I don't want to lose another-- here.
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

It's from "Too Tough to Die"... My favorite Grissom quote is my signature. It's from "Viva Las Vegas".
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

What's the Louganis quote mean? I know who he is, just confused about "pulling a Louganis"
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

MacsGirlMel said:
What's the Louganis quote mean? I know who he is, just confused about "pulling a Louganis"
From In reference to Olympic diver Greg Louganis who cracked his head when he misjudged a dive during the 1988 Summer Olympics. Media said he "hit the water with a splat."
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Crate and Burial: Season One

GRISSOM: I got one of these chem labs when I was six. I almost blew up the
whole house. (He chuckles.)


CATHERINE: I work 24/7. I have no time for my friends. My daughter rarely sees me having any fun. And, all of a sudden, she doesn't want a party.
GRISSOM: And that's because of you?
CATHERINE: Yes. I'm her mother. She mimics me.
GRISSOM: Well, then she'll be fine. I mean, look at you.
CATHERINE: You're just saying that to make me feel better.


GRISSOM: People leave us clues, Nick. They speak to us in thousands of
different ways. It's our job to make sure that we've heard everything they've
said. Anything less is reasonable doubt.
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Pledging Mr. Johnson: Season One

GRISSOM: On behalf of the decedent I thank you.


(GRISSOM walks into the lab and immediately gets into the music. He calls out to GREG.)
GRISSOM: (loudly) Hey, maestro, what's the deal on our floater?
(GREG doesn't hear him. GRISSOM turns the music down.)
GRISSOM: Excuse me. Professor? What's up with our floater?


GRISSOM: I come here for calamari.
GRISSOM: No. Sometimes I have a beer with it.


CATHERINE: When Eddie was cheating on me I sure wish somebody would have said something.
GRISSOM: You mean me.
CATHERINE: Who else?


GRISSOM: "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and, sorry I could not travel both."


CATHERINE: You right, you know. I should be just like you. Alone in my hermetically sealed condo watching discovery on the big screen working genius-level crossword puzzles, but no relationships. No chance any will slop over into a case. Right. I want to be just like you.
GRISSOM: Technically, it's a townhouse. And the crosswords are advanced, not genius. But you're right. I'm deficient in a lot of ways. But I never screw up one of my cases with personal stuff.
CATHERINE: Grissom ... what personal stuff?
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

I loved these two:

- Crazy or not, here we come. (5x21 Committed)
- Would you close the door, please? ... From the other side. (6x21 Rashomama)
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

And don't forget the Greg/Grissom interaction with-

GRISSOM - And document these skid marks...
GREG - *chuckling* He just said skid marks...

Always makes me laugh.
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