Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Hmmmm, we've strayed far from the subject of this thread, haven't we... namely Grissom quotes. Why don't we continue this discussion over at the hottness thread? ;)

So, to get back on track, here's a quote I like: How many patients do you have with malaria?
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

ok cool ill meet you there

another good grissom quote

Grissom: Witnesses?
Catherine: They were all in the bathroom
Grissom: Aren't they always?
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Greg: Well, in the interest of posterity I took it upon myself to establish providence for the killer gloves. I mean DNA-wise, on my own time, of course of which I have precious little so that should count for something...
Grissom: [Exasperatedly] Greg, why are you always doing this?
Greg: Because you make me nervous.
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

orgasmicbilly said:
Greg: Well, in the interest of posterity I took it upon myself to establish providence for the killer gloves. I mean DNA-wise, on my own time, of course of which I have precious little so that should count for something...
Grissom: [Exasperatedly] Greg, why are you always doing this?
Greg: Because you make me nervous.

Love that scene - was so funny - do you know what episode it was from? thanx :)
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Greg: All work and no play makes Greg a dull boy.
Grissom: All play and no work makes Greg an UNEMPLOYED boy...
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

havnt a clue dearest.....but have another quote!

Grissom: Calvin and Ralph?
Catherine: Klien and
Grissom: Oh, well, for most CSI's fashion is irrelevant.
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

thanx lol. that quote is v funny dont think iv ever heard it before. Heres another:

Greg.: "Did I ever tell you I used to live in New York?"
Grissom: "Is this going to be a short story or a novel?"
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

gotta love grissoms random horribleness to greg!!
sara:could you come tape me up?
grissom: i love my work!
cath: it shows!
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

no what u mean heres another:

Greg: "So I am actually stop trying to impress you."
Grissom: "That would impress me."

and a nice one to balance it out:

Grissom: "Take a look at the trachea. What do you see?"
Greg: "Foam. Like the head of a beer.Sorry."
Grissom: "No. It's a good analogy."
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Catherine: Definitely a crime of passion.
Grissom: You think a female did this?
Catherine: I could have.
Grissom: Scared of you.

It's from Evaluation Day I think
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Grissom: I used to study people... then I got bored

from Revenge is Best Served Cold
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Well, mine is not really a Grissom quote, but it goes like this:

(written) What can I say about Conrad Ecklie
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

It's been quite a while, but it's his birthday, so let's resurrect this thread as a special birthday present!

"I think my popsicles are ready."

From Burden of Proof
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

the beginning of grave danger when grissom and sara talk about roy rogers
sara:..and you thought you'd frame it :confused:
grissom: er yeah..
makes me laugh every time! :lol:
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