Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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Gil Grissom: High altitude enhances the entire sexual experience. It increases the euphoria.

Sara Sidle: Well, it's good. I don't know if it's that good... Cite your source.
I'm new too. I believe that is something you are able to do after a certain amount of posts. Not sure of the number. :cool:

how do you put your location under your name?
"Look pal, you're twice the age of these kids who already couldn't find their way to their ass with a map and you're out here making God knows what from God knows where selling Russian roulette in a bottle and YOU THINK WE'RE HERE TO BUST YOU FOR POSSESION YOU PUNK? No, I'm going to get you for murder."

For some reason he seemed to kick butt in that one.

Actually if you mute it on that line, you will see WP actually says "you prick" and they overdubbed it with "you punk" to get past the censors. Wonder how much of that was Grissom and how much was the method acting of Billy.....
Sara: Hey grissom will you come tape me up?!

Grissom: I love my work
I'm new too. I believe that is something you are able to do after a certain amount of posts. Not sure of the number. :cool:

how do you put your location under your name?
Avatars: Require 100 posts, as does Private messages.

Location: Click "My Home" at the top and then click edit personal information like password, email and such then where it says location.

Don't know if these were said already-

CATHERINE: Taking your pet for a walk?

GRISSOM: Know how much you like my little fetal pig, so I'm giving him to you
as an office-warming gift.

No humans involved

Paul Milander: I call it 'Good vs. Evil.' You like it?"
Grissom: "Yeah reminds me of my supervisor on days."



Robbins: And how does an entymologist feel about putting ants to death?
Grissom: I view them as martyrs in a scientist's holy war.

Paul Milander: I call it 'Good vs. Evil.' You like it?"
Grissom: "Yeah reminds me of our supervisor on days."


:lol: :lol: :lol: love that ep! Here's another quote from the same ep:

GRISSOM: Paul Millander. He set me up. (surges to his feet, angry) Son of a
bitch! I had him and I let him go!
LOVED that eppy. Poor Grissom was so stresed out the whole time. I got another quote for u guys:
GRISSOM:You need to go talk to th resturant manager too.
SARA: Anything else?
GRISSOM: Nope that's it
SARA: Where are you going?
GRISSOM: I got gas
SARA: Oh *looks at him funky*
GRISSOM: Residential gas leek across the street.
LOL I love that one
Got to love all quotes by Grissom!

"If you chase two rabbits, you lose them both."

"And good morning to you too, Miss Sidle."

"Amazing how the sight of blood can clear a room."
CATHERINE: Taking your pet for a walk?
GRISSOM: Know how much you like my little fetal pig, so I'm giving him to you
as an office-warming gift.

LOL aww how cute :D

Robbins: And how does an entymologist feel about putting ants to death?
Grissom: I view them as martyrs in a scientist's holy war.

:lol: :lol: :lol: oh Grissom..
I'm new too. I believe that is something you are able to do after a certain amount of posts. Not sure of the number. :cool:

how do you put your location under your name?
Avatars: Require 100 posts, as does Private messages.

Location: Click "My Home" at the top and then click edit personal information like password, email and such then where it says location.


cool thanks :)
Hee hee - I love that quote. It's from Blood Drops isn't it? Was only re-watching that epi yesterday - forgot all the great Grissom/Ecklie interaction :devil: ;) *fondly remembers the Grissom/Ecklie soap opera thread* :D
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