Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Ok i'm not sure whether someone has already posted this one but i just have to get it off my chest.

It's from Season 4 the episode called Jackpot

*Mobile rings*
Gil- Grissom

Cath- Is the service actually bad out there, or are you just kepping your phone off?

Gil- I'm sorry i should have called.

Cath- This trip wouldn't have anything to do with you ducking case reviews, now would it?

Gil- How can you think that? You wouldn't mind taking care of those would ya?

Cath- Oh, your job my pay, why would i care?

Gil- I'll make it up to you.

Cath- Yeah you had better.
Hodges id'd your leaf litter.

Gil- Good thanks, i owe you one.
*Hangs up the phone*

Cop- Trouble with the wife?

Gil- Yeah she hates it when we're apart!

The thing is you can see where the cop got the idea from that Gil was on the phone to his wife, i mean read though only Gils lines, which is what the cop would have heard it totally sounds like he could be taking to his wife :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

It's from Season 4 the episode called Jackpot
Cop- Trouble with the wife?
Gil- Yeah she hates it when we're apart!

The thing is you can see where the cop got the idea from that Gil was on the phone to his wife, i mean read though only Gils lines, which is what the cop would have heard it totally sounds like he could be taking to his wife :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I love that scene! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Grissom to Catherine ( I can't remember the episode): "We all live in glass houses Catherine, be careful where you take your shower."
That one was weeping Willows! When Grissom was mad at Catherine for what she had done with that man.
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Grissom: That means six to eight hours ago, someone lost their head. Then... Someone lost their head. :lol:
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Gil-This is the only place within ten miles that serves calamari.
Katherine- And how do you know that?
Gil- Because this is where I come for calamari.
Kathrine- Alone?
Gil- No, sometimes I have a beer too.
As a rat is climbing out of the mouth of a victim in a shopping cart, Grissom to Brass- "I think she just ratted herself out." :cool:
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Gil-This is the only place within ten miles that serves calamari.
Katherine- And how do you know that?
Gil- Because this is where I come for calamari.
Kathrine- Alone?
Gil- No, sometimes I have a beer too.
:lol: thats my favorite Grissom quote!
(grissom's holding his spider tank as catherine walks in to his office)

Catherine: new pet?

Grissom: "tarantula"

Catherine:"well when your done playing we need to go back to work"

Grissom: "you scared him all his hairs are standing up"

Catherine: "i went to the marinea to look for the boat"

Grissom: "was it there?"

Catherine: "what do you think"

Grissom: "my spider sense says it wasn't"
Nick: Who puts the Bat gates in?
Grissom: Batman
Grissom: We've got bats
Nick: I don't like bats
Grissom: They're like bees Nikc, you don't bother them, they don't bother you
Nick: Well let's not bother them ok?
*Grissom looks back at him*
Nick: Seriously.
Gil Grissom: Forget about making a hundred, forget about the victim, forget about the suspect and focus on the only thing that can't lie: the evidence.
Gil Grissom: There are three things people love to stare at: A rippling stream, a sunset, and a Zamboni going around and around.

Sara Sidle: I love a Zamboni.
ok as u can tell from my amazing 23 posts im new and i was wondering how do u make an avatar and a signature?
I'm new too. I believe that is something you are able to do after a certain amount of posts. Not sure of the number. :cool:
I'm almost at a hundred!(wow is that a coincidence or what?)

Gil Grissom: Forget about making a hundred, forget about the victim, forget about the suspect and focus on the only thing that can't lie: the evidence.
Then I can get my avatar! And I can start getting and sending pm's!
"Look pal, you're twice the age of these kids who already couldn't find their way to their ass with a map and you're out here making God knows what from God knows where selling Russian roulette in a bottle and YOU THINK WE'RE HERE TO BUST YOU FOR POSSESION YOU PUNK? No, I'm going to get you for murder."

For some reason he seemed to kick butt in that one.
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