
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

Did you see?
Did you see what they did? :(
I had tears streaming down my face at the end. Tosh's scene was brilliantly executed.
There is a third series to come isn't there?
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

Yeah, there's a third series. Being mostly spoiler free for Torchwood I was very surprised by the ending, I'd heard some rumours but didn't think that all of it would actually come to fruition. I was very emotional at the end. Jack's brother and Capt John were great, and I wasn't expecting their characters to turn out they way they did.

Well, as it's character death I'll put it in spoiler code.

I cried so much, Tosh and Owen's conversation whilst she was seriously injured and he was trapped was pretty emotional. But the scenes after she died were just tremendously sad. Especially the message she had left. I don't usually like it when men cry too much, but Jack and, especially, Ianto's faces during that scene were spot on. :(

It was an awesome episode, although the beginning 15 minutes went a little slowly for me, but the rest definitely made up for it.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

I had read a few rumors but assumed they were crap. I definitely didn't see this coming. On the one hand, I'm glad I remained spoiler free--on the other hand, I hate being blindsided. :(

Tosh! *wails* And I was starting to like Owen. I can't believe they killed both of them off. :(

I really don't know where the show is going to go from here--getting new team members? Having just the three of them with help from Andy, Rhys and Captain John (not joining, just being in some of the episodes to take part)? Although I suppose they need a medic and a computer genius... *sigh* It'll be interesting, I suppose, to see what they do.

I can't help being bitter that they knew they were going to kill Tosh and didn't give her more to do this season. :mad:
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

Just popping in to see how everyone liked/is liking the season. It is a real emotional roller coaster this season, with something for everyone. I've really come to adore Owen's character, but I'm still not a fan of Gwen. More reason for that in episode 11. It's also great to see Ianto in the foreground, out with the team and being an active member, like in "Meat" when he stunned those guys. And you wait til the finale.

Tosh is as underused as always. I really wish she had more screen time. She seems to be given one episode a season, then dumped into the background the rest of the time. Jack... well, Jack is Jack. Who can't adore him. And speaking of adoring, I am absolutely loving Rhys this season. Anyone with me?
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

New to this thread but Torchwood is a new obsession i've had this season... perfectly timed by the BBC when i sit down after dinner to watch TV.

Love Owen I really like his sense of humour specially more recently with all the events he knows how to make me laugh.

OMG.... what a way to end it i was pretty stunned, i've liked Owen most and i kind of knew he would either be this strange character all the way through or he would eventually go...
But Tosh... totally didn't expect that one. I did blub a bit after i saw the end, it wasnt nice.

I loves James Marsters he is brilliant his character i wish would stay and become part of the team it would be perfect.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

OMG I just watched the season finale and I had to hold back my tears, since I was watching w/ my hubby. :( BUT damn what a great finale even though it was so sad and well everything. I'm not sure what to make of it and if somehow it will be ok..

I really grew to love Owen and I'm not really caring too much for Gwen either. I just don't get how she is like the head now. How did she move up past everyone? She was just a cop with not really any special skill except being nosy.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

I really grew to love Owen and I'm not really caring too much for Gwen either. I just don't get how she is like the head now. How did she move up past everyone? She was just a cop with not really any special skill except being nosy.

I think it was just a case of while Jack was gone, everybody else had their defined areas of expertise and responsibility...except for Gwen. So the others just did what they do best and let Gwen think she was in charge.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

I would rather have seen Gwen be the one killed off than Owen or Tosh. I'm really hoping some how Owen survived, they never actually showed him dying or his body. *crosses fingers* Did any one watch the extra thing they did about the filming of the last ep? It was great hearing the actors talk about their characters and seeing how they filmed a few of the parts, like Owen screaming when Tosh told him he was going to die again. I think watching those parts the second was more sad. I teared up hearing them talk about their characters and leaving the show. They were all shedding real tears in that last part.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

I didn't get why Gwen was in charge while Jack was away, either - there had been that conversation/argument between Owen and Ianto last season, where it was stated that Owen was second-in-command after Suzie 'left'.

AAAAAAARGH poor Tosh! I was kind of expecting Owen to go, after all he couldn't heal and they couldn't just go on patching him up, but I really wasn't expecting Tosh to go too.

I liked how it turned out Captain John wasn't as bad as he first seemed, it looked in "Fragments" like he was holding Gray hostage, only it turned out the other way round. Interesting that Gray called Jack, erm, Jack - so it seemed he only "borrowed" Original Jack's last name. And talking of Jack, he's aged almost 2000 years in a single episode!!
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

I finally found time to watch the finale and incredible but true I managed to remain spoiler free.

I didn't like it and I don't know how they could have killed Owen twice, I thought that being death he couldn't die again and Tosh, she was the most miserable character all through the season and they ended up killing her *pissed off*

Well, at least this is sci-fi so I hope they'll bring both to life next season or I'll be very disappointed.

I wouldn't mind if they had killed Gwen though, there's noone more annoying than Gwen, well, Gwen in charge...

At least they didn't touch Ianto *relief*
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Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

They've all got a bullseye on their foreheads, though, Hormiga--as Ianto pointed out in 2.03, everybody dies young in Torchwood.

The weevils attacking the four senior-most officers seems deliberate and part of Gray's (Grey's?) plan, but as for the other stuff--the alien in the hospital that Owen deals with seems mostly harmless, and it's not hard to deal with those cloaked figures in the central server building. So I was wondering if maybe John threw in a few little 'extras' when he was implementing Gray's plan--by sending the Torchwood team out like that, he got them separated from Jack (which I'm sure was Gray's plan), but he also put the team where they needed to be when things went bad: the hospital, the police station and the central server. So it might have been his way of 'helping' them out without raising red flags for Gray.

Also, I keep going back and forth about the fact that John did whatever Gray told him to because of the bomb. He destroyed Cardiff and killed who knows how many people to save his own skin--and yet, I can't help but wonder how much it would have helped if he hadn't gone along with it. Assuming that Gray sent him to Cardiff against his will, if he didn't do what he was told and the bomb on his arm was detonated, there would still be damage and carnage. Also, Gray would still go after Jack regardless--and John did ultimately help Jack and the rest of the team. They wouldn't have known what was going on with the city crippled the way it was and the team separated...

I like the idea that John's love for Jack was enough to make him do the right thing (for the most part). I'd love to see him more next season. I'm not sure what we have in store as far as the team goes or anything like that, but having John back a few times would be cool--especially if he and Ianto are snarky with each other. :p I love Tosh, and I'm going to miss her and Owen, but I'm still interested to see where the show goes from here.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

You know, I'm still in disbelief and I hope they'll fix it next season and tptb bring them back.

You can't build up a series for 2 seasons with 5 main characters and then kill 2 off, can you imagine on the csi: ny finale killing Stella, Danny and Flack? That'll be crazy.

I still don't understand how they could have killed Owen when he was already dead, every series need a jerk and so was Owen.
And poor Tosh, she was growing in me this season and I want her back, she deserves some happiness.

Thanks they didn't touch the teaboy or they'll be done for me.

About John Hart, it's ok for me to see him on an ep or 2, but I can't see him as a regular, it's enough with one time agent (I like him calling Ianto "candy" though *lol*).

PC Andy, I don't know why they like him so much, it's ok to see him from time to time but as a member of the team? Nah.

Rhys, I like him but I'd rather prefer him when he had no idea of what was going on, he was like a link with rl.(Retcon him now !!!).

I don't know if they are short of amnesia pills or what but they were supposed to be ultrasecret and now everybody seems to know about them.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

I was gutted about Owen - last season he was such a jerk, but I started to like him a lot more this time around, he seemed to have grown up a bit (and of course, we got the explanation for some of his behaviour in Fragments. It was a real sucker punch for them to kill him, bring him back and kill him again. I'd got used to the idea of having a "Friendly neighbourhood zombie" on the team.

By the way, did anyone notice the little Doctor Who reference in the finale? The creature Owen dealt with was a Hoix, like the one from Who episode Love & Monsters.

There was a comment on Declassified the other week about PC Andy, there had been talk of killing him off in the S1 finale. I'm glad they didn't, I like him. I have to disagree about Rhys too, I like that he knows what Gwen does for a living - I was getting tired of the arguments they had about her not being able to tell him about her day, and I think the knowledge has brought them closer.

EDIT: Just found this on Yahoo Answers, not sure how true it is but it's worthy of a second spoiler button as it's spoilery even in the UK.

Torchwood series 3 has already been commissioned by the BBC, and is due to start early in 2009. All of the main cast except Naoko Mori have signed contracts to appear in it (including Burn Gorman, interestingly).