Time Change This Weekend for North America

Re: Time Change This Weekend

Hormiga said:
I hate time change, they stole 1 hour today and I want it back !!! :scream:
They stole your hour and gave it to me. Mwahahahaha! :devil:
Re: Time Change This Weekend

I hate this as well. There's no right in stealing an hour of sleep like this! :eek: To only give it back...I don't know when, but it's not fair anyway :p

This confuses me, because being as weird as I am, I have to check 3846385674 times if I have my alarm clock at the right time, the time I want to wake up, with the time change done already. I know it's super simple, yet I keep thinking I messed it up, so I keep rechecking :rolleyes: And the worse of it is that I woke up sooner than I was supposed to, and instead of going back to sleep, I kept thinking about the hour change. How sad am I?! :lol:
Re: Time Change This Weekend

i also hate time change,i got one oure to short its know not 16.00 a clock but 17.06 a clock.

all my clocks are right on time,so tomorrow i have no problems with school.

do you guys have a weard feeling because the time is change?
Re: Time Change This Weekend

^^I felt like I didn't get enough done this morning!!! :scream: just cause I lost an hour!!
Re: Time Change This Weekend

I had every intention of going to the gym at 11am this morning. I woke up and 10am and then took me about 5 minutes to realise it was actually now 11am, well 11.05am and then though F**K it! and sacked the gym off lol.

Although funnily enough today is officially the start of BST and today has been the nicest day of the year so far. Easily 17C in the sun, hardly any clouds, I went to town with my 3/4 jeans and no coat. Definately a nice change from yesterday which was on the verge of torrential. :wtf:
Re: Time Change This Weekend

For those of you that get the extra hours sleep this week :) Remember to set your clocks back an hour before you go to sleep tonight.

Remember North America doesn't change their clocks until the first Sunday of November :)
Re: Time Change This Weekend

Oh Jacquie, you had me worried for a minute there. I though I'd forgotten about it :lol:
Re: Time Change This Weekend

Thanks for the reminder. I get paranoid that I managed to miss and it same with my parents. On Friday, I didn't see anyone walking to school so I thought I had missed the change and was going at the wrong time. :lol:
Re: Time Change This Weekend

For those of you that get the extra hours sleep this week :) Remember to set your clocks back an hour before you go to sleep tonight.

Thanks for the reminder. I do love to sleep. :lol: My 9 month old nephew is staying with me this weekend and, even though I have told him about the extra hour, I don't think he'll be observing it. :( :lol:
Re: Time Change This Weekend

For those of you that get the extra hours sleep this week :) Remember to set your clocks back an hour before you go to sleep tonight.

Thanks for the reminder. I do love to sleep. :lol: My 9 month old nephew is staying with me this weekend and, even though I have told him about the extra hour, I don't think he'll be observing it. :( :lol:

Thanks for the reminder Jac! :)

Ha, and Elsie, I feel for you, my younger brothers are exactly the same! :lol: :(
Re: Time Change This Weekend

Lol, thanks for reminding me ;)

Allthough, I'm probably gonna spend the extra hour sleeping :D
Re: Time Change This Weekend

Mine won't change 'till first day in Nov. I'm from the South. Where you guys from that change so early tonight?