Those Pesky Ratings

Ratings for Time's Up:
CBS’ veteran CSI: NY remains the show to beat at 10 p.m., with 13.86 million viewers and a 4.1/11 among adults 18-49. Second was ABC’s Dirty Sexy Money (Viewers: 8.83 million; A18-49: 3.1/ 9), followed by NBC’s Life (Viewers: 7.66 million; A18-49: 2.8/ :cool:. Both hour performed similarly disappointing to year-ago occupants The Nine on ABC and Dateline on NBC.

Doesn't look bad at all, although they are still significantly down from last year...
Glad to see NY is climbing back up, but yeah, it is down from last season. Still on top for the hour, though, and it looks like both of its opponents at 10pm aren't faring well against it.
As Top said, it's nice to see that CSI:NY is gaining in the ratings. I thought maybe it was down a little at the beginning of the season because new shows, everybody likes to see what else is on, and once, having done that, they come back if they aren't impressed. I know I did that with one show this year, and went back to what I usually watch. Anyway, I'm relieved that NY seems headed in the right direction.
So the ratings really seem to be leveling off in the 13 million range. Not bad, but last year the hyped multi-platforming ep, "Hung Out to Dry" got 17 million viewers I believe.
I guess the Second Life thing didn't quite capture (much of) the target audience they were aiming for--or else a very large portion of that audience was waiting to watch the episode online anyway. :lol:
I don't think being up against the first game of the World Series helped much, either... :( And while neither of the 2 new shows in the same time slot are ratings juggernauts, both of them have a wide enough audience to chip away at NY's numbers. This is the first year NY has had any real competition, IMO. I'm happy to see it's holding steady, since it's my Fave of the Franchise, but I wouldn't mind seeing a couple more million viewers jump on board again this year, to assure a renewal for next year... :lol:
meh, i think more people are going to watch the world series live, but will record NY and watch later. Who would record a world series game to watch NY live?
I agree with the people here who say NY is maybe low in the ratings because it just doesn't feel like NYC. The first season, Blink in particular, had such a wonderful NY-feel to it. As an English person who has never been to NYC, season 1 and some of season 2 showed NYC exactly how I imagined it, and it was interesting and different. But in s3 all we got was rich white people killing other rich white people, or at least we got that most of the time, and it was boring, so I really started wtaching the show just for Mac rather than for the setting or the plots. Now I can't help wondering if a lot of people are like me, and stay with the show because they like a certain character? Also, while I don't mind the romance stuff, I think the writers could have developed the characters in a better way. Why does Stella always have to be the victim now? Where is the strong Stella of s1? She was there in 'Snow Day' thank god. As for Mac, I liked his relationship with Peyton, but what I found far more interesting was his relationship with Reed Garrett, because Reed really opened up a softer, more vulnerable side to Mac - for example the scnes at the end of Consequences and Some Buried Bones. With Flack, I would much rather learn about his relationship with his father than some woman. And I'm more interested in Danny's background and his brother Louie than his relationship with Lindsay. And why did it take 3 seasons for us to find out anything deep/siginificant about Hawkes?
CBS remained the network to beat at 10 p.m. as a result of CSI: NY, with 13.84 million viewers and a 3.7/10 among adults 18-49. Compared to one year earlier, however, CSI: NY was down by a hefty 2.80 million viewers (16.64 to 13.84 million) and 31 percent in the demo (5.4/15 to 3.7/10).

From here.
Impressive! Even on Halloween, the show retained its viewership. :D Go CSI: NY! :D
CBS finished second overall in both total viewers and adults 18-49 on the strength of Criminal Minds (Viewers: #2, 14.54 million; A18-49: #2, 3.8/ 9) and CSI: NY (Viewers: #2, 12.87 million; A18-49: #2, 3.5/10) from 9-11 p.m.

From here

So, we have

401 - 12.72 M
402 - 12.69 M
403 - 13.43 M
404 - 13.99 M
405 - 13.82 M
406 - 13.40 M
Yikes, it seems like NY is declining again. :( All the shows are down from last season, but it would be nice to see NY holding around 13 and a half million viewers.

Thanks for posting those, Lorelai!
I'd like to see it holding steady at 13.5+ too, but at least it has risen from the start of the season, and is now staying above 13 mil. And as far as the viewer drop-off from Criminal Minds to NY, I think both "Life" and "Dirty Sexy Money" (which gets tons of publicity compared to NY) are both taking a bite. Not a sizable bite individually, but collectively, enough to make the difference between this season and last, especially since it really didn't have too much competition in it's time slot, last season. It's holding fairly steady & respectable though. Surprising that extremely casual viewers can even find it half the time :rolleyes: TV Guide hasn't been printing a blurb about episode contents in the actual listing page, nor on the pages after the listings where shows are sorted by "Drama", "Comedy" etc. I don't know if that's because the NY folks don't supply episode info. to TV Guide in time, or if TV Guide is simply blowing NY off, as they are wont to do now and then... :(
I can see how both of those shows would take a bite. I enjoyed "Dirty Sexy Money" when they showed it on Sunday nights here, but I wasn't about to "cheat" on CSI:NY. I am curious as to what will happen with ratings if they end up doing repeats with the strike. I know it really doesn't matter then, but I wonder if people that left to watch the other shows would come back to CSI:NY on repeats. Assuming studios give a blip about ratings if the strike goes on long enough!