Those Pesky Ratings

From TV Guide:

CSI: NY (13.3 mil) gained 600,000 viewers week-to-week, while Dirty Sexy Money (8.86 mil) and Life (8.14 mil) lost 900K and 660K, respectively.
Sweet! That's good news for NY. Unlike with last year's The Nine, none of the series competing with NY interest me in the least. I'm glad to see it's gaining.

CSI: NY (4.1/11 in 18-49, 13.43m) pounded the competitors with 13.43 million viewers.

So, yes we went up. We need more Flack centric episodes. ;) :p
Making the hot men on this show naked (or semi-naked)=good ratings. Seriously! :lol:
Making the hot men on this show naked (or semi-naked)=good ratings. Seriously

I just read that CSI NY gained more viewers for last week's episode and your right Top41 a semi naked hottie :devil: Flack and boom better ratings :lol:
Making the hot men on this show naked (or semi-naked)=good ratings. Seriously
And the promos were fairly Flack-centric, weren't they? Hopefully TPTB will put 2 and 2 together and keep up the Flack screentime.
While I am super excited that the viewer count went up from last week, I an surprised it went down from Criminal Minds. I wonder what they are going to from CM, because I think the pairing of CM/CSI:NY is perfect. Any thoughts?
This rise of viewers for episode 4x03 ... it's because people watched 4x02 and thought it was good, right? So the rise isn't quite actually due to half nekkid Flack. :lol: Guess we'll know whether the viewer count rises again next week. ;)
While I am super excited that the viewer count went up from last week, I an surprised it went down from Criminal Minds. I wonder what they are going to from CM, because I think the pairing of CM/CSI:NY is perfect. Any thoughts?

If I have the ratings right, the total viewership for the 10 pm hour is down across the board. Some speculation is that DVRs are making it easier to time-shift watching those shows.

The most interesting part is that while CSI:NY is down in total viewership from Criminal Minds, it is up in the 18-whatever demographic. Which means that the "youngsters" who are watching Bionic Woman tune in for CSI:NY. It also jives with the idea that the "old folks" who have to get up in the AM are DVRing the shows instead of watching them live.

That's mostly supposition, but the numbers are down -- quite a bit down -- from last year. And not just for the individual shows, but for the time period as a whole.

The fact that CSI:NY is gaining an audience as time goes on just proves that it's the show that people can rely on to entertain them and that none of the new shows can compare and those who are willing to stay up and watch are chosing to watch our show. YMMV, of course.
Kimmychu said:
This rise of viewers for episode 4x03 ... it's because people watched 4x02 and thought it was good, right?
If people who watched last week came back to watch this week, the numbers would be the same--unless they cloned themselves. So somebody else joined in. ;)
i know when i had a pvr (like tivo), i almost never watched tv shows live or even the same day. Especially the 10pm shows, i always watched them the next day in the afternoon...

they need a better way to count the ratings
they need a better way to count the ratings


And once I get a DVR, I know that I will end up watching a lot of shows that I miss now. Although there are a few shows (like CSI:NY) that I will watch as they air.