They mentioned CSI on.....

I don't know if this is the right thread to bring it up, but last summer there was a parody of "CSI" which used the letters to advertise the NY Hall of Science. (I can't believe I never mentioned this before!) :)

I took pictures:
Here's a billboard
And here's a sign on the back of a bus
I just found it funny because it's "Crime Scene Insects" and I can imagine Grissom loving the bug as the detective! :lol:
I don't know if this counts but the Swedish hockey player Peter Forsberg has (or had) a problem with his foot but the doctors kept saying it should be ok. Then he said he should call Grissom.
I don't know if this counts, but in my history class my teacher who's a lawyer was discussing what the law permits as far as investigations go, and he kept mentioning CSI, giving exaples of things they did that would go with/against the law.
Thanks Faylinn :D
they mentioned csi on "Have i got news for you?" which is a comedy show in UK where they discuss whats been in hte news this week. they were talking about something to do with a dead animal i believe and Dara o'Brien (the host) said " and then you get csi coming in to draw a chalk line around it and investigate" :lol: i thought it was pretty funny but i cant remember the proper quote :mad:
Torchwood in the very first ever episode. ( Do you know the one when that girl blows her brains out after shooting Captain Jack)
I found a book titled "Encyclopedia of Serial Killers" while browsing through a bookstore. And yea, CSI was one of the articles in it. They mentioned the Blue Paint Killer! :lol:
They mentioned CSI yesterday on the Tv News...Yeah, they made a little report about forensic science and related shows.
hahaha oh my gosh, I had to do a DNA fingerprinting lab for my biology class. and my teacher was writing the backround and it said this is the technique which many of you have seen on CSI.
The Soup (on E!) is always mentioning CSI Miami.

I was just watching it now, and the host Joel McHale goes:

"This next clip makes me feel like my assed has just been cained." *puts on sunglasses* "Horatio Cained."

and then it shows the clip where Horatio says the teaser line "welcome to divorice..of the future".

Then Joel McHales says

"I'll say anything," *puts on sunglasses* "they put on paper." :D

If you wanna see it, it's probably going to rerun tomorrow a few times.
i saw that one....i had a good laugh...i enjoy csi miami but what he did there was very funny...Horatio does have quite the puch lines to say...