THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

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Welcome all you new people. This is a great site and you will enjoy yourselves. I remember that I was new once.

*Get depressed cuase now i feel old*
Man, if you feel old that makes me really old. :lol:

Welcome newbies, I hope you all have a good time here. :)

Also, welcome back HAM, we've missed you. :D
Welcome back HAM - I haven't been around much lately, but a very warm welcome back :) and hope you got all my PMs ok. Hope to see you around more soon :) *big huggles*
OK, now I feel like a deadbeat. I think I only sent 1 pm! :eek:

Thanks for making me look like a slacker, wibble! :p
Looks around...

Hey wait a minute! This is MY forum! Nobody calls me a slacker in my forum! OFF WITH HER HEAD! :mad:

OK, OK... scaring the lurkers again! Come on in and post, folks. We don't bite... much. ;)

Hey all! Welcome to the fresh meat :lol: and welcome back to HaM! It wasn't quite that long ago I posted in here as a newbie, and now I have just over 200 posts. It's starting to feel like home. :D Did I miss the food fight? :devil:
Hi, everybody, I'm a newbie here. I found this forum after I got totally hooked on CSI (approximately around the fifth season here in Italy) and read through some of the threads (having finally decided to register). :)
Mmm, meat. *fights the urge to nibble*

:lol: Oops, hope I didn't scare anybody off. :p

Welcome to Talk, newbies! And welcome back to the lurvely HAM. (Heh, ham is a kind of meat. *licks lips* ;))
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