THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

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*sigh* You're so literal, Ducky. :lol: Ok, is there a Helsinki Syndrome? Or maybe they just get addicted to whatever you put in the brownies. *shifty look* :p

In any case, it's great to see new members all over the board, even if you do to go Misc first. ;)
Finns don't have sydromes. We just whack ourselves when situation is hopeless...

Oh...Reykjavik's... it indeedy sounds bad :p

...I wonder are we scaring newbies?

*leaves cookies on the table for the newbies*
*runs lab tests on cookies*

Seems to be okay. Tastes good. Okay, newbies, come and get them.
DaWacko said:
:rolleyes: First Tinksy say we cannot nibble newbies and now we cannot take them to be hostage :rolleyes:
Hey, I always nibble the newbies! It's like initiation right? :lol:

*hides from Fay and baba*
Hello everybody...! so, i' m a new member! i heard much about this from my best friend and so i decided to find out for myself. Seems to be very nice here.
Welcome to the madhouse KiniT! :)

If you can grab some brownies and a soda whilst dodging the infamous newbie-nibbler (which often takes to hiding in dark corners with cookies hanging out of it's mouth), make yerself at home and enjoy posting here! ;)
Welcome all newbies, hope your not to scared, its ok, you dont have to be mad to join this board.....................
but it sure as hell helps! :p :lol:
But, yes, welcome!!!
*taps foot* I know you're not nibbling the newbies again, Ducky. *scowl*

Rule #1: No Newbie-Nibbling...It's not nice.

:p Like my alliteration? ;)
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