The Warm Welcome Thread

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Welcome to the other new faces:)

And welcome back jolein! Weren't you one of the girls from back in the day? MrsG will be thrilled to see a familiar face, whenever she gets her ass back in here
yep,I was and here I was thinking that my reputation from was buried under a lot more dust:lol:
Just kidding;)
I hope to see her around soon:)

cool avatar, jolein! can i borrow that for my tshirt?
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Hello all! I'm new to the CSI NY area. I watched one or two episodes when it first aired as I am a huge Gary Sinise fan but it was too dark for me. Recently I decided to give it another try and watched a few reruns on Spike. I'm liking it a lot now so I have added the first season to my Netflix queue so I can see it from the beginning and know what's going on. I've heard that I won't really like it until the second season but I want to start from the beginning. So I'll be joining y'all here soon! I'm excited about watching it!
Thank you nattybatty55 and faylinn! I will definetely drop by the Gary thread and am going to give Season 1 another try! I wish I had it now!
Welcome CSI Stokes Girl! Glad you decided to join us in the NY forum! :D
Ok so I think I joined a while ago but never got a chance to post. So here I am!

Hello, I'm Britt. I love NY, duh. It's my fav CSI for many many reasons. Yes, a few being the really hot string of men they have...:). But I do like the feel of the show. To me it's seems the most realsitic, if that makes any sense at all.

FYI - I'm kinda having a few problems so if anyone could message me and help a girl out, I'll love you forever! lol
Ooo another Brit :D Welcome to the board ;)

You cant send private messages untill you have 50 posts so if you want to. My msn's in my profile- Just click on my pic<<< ;)
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