The Warm Welcome Thread

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Since I'm new here I will do the proper thing and introduce myself (even though I've already made a few posts).

My name is Cindy and as you all can see I am from The Netherlands (Don't dare saying I'm from Holland ;)).

I've been coming here for over a year now. A couple of months back I finally decided to register. It took me a while to start posting since it's just not that easy to put my thoughts in English. Maybe I was lazy but it takes an effort! Most of the times others already posted what I wanted to say and to be honest sometimes I was afraid to actually post and get shot down for it. But as you can see I'm over it!
Hey there Cindy :D You'll love it here ;)

I'll have to get CSISenna over here, she's from the Netherlands and has erm problems with here english...I best run before Jools comes to get my caffine fueled a$$ :D You'll love postng know time english will just roll out of you ;)
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Hey! Welcome, Applejack. You'll love it here. Everyone is so 'good' ;). This is one of the best boards.:thumbsup:
Welcome AppleJack! Yeah, yet another Dutch girl. :)

And don't worry about your English, this is a great way to practise...
Hello,it`s been a long time ago since I posted here,so i`m not really a newbie.
I did the lurking thing when I was on my posting break though.
And with everything going on in Ny land,I really felt like posting again now and again.
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