The Warm Welcome Thread

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Ok, got a the first DVD of Season 1 in today and have watched three episodes so far. Love it! Still learning the characters names and so on. It was the episode Blink that I first saw and never watched another. Maybe it was just the subject matter as that was a dark episode! Anyone want to chat about NY with me PM me!
Welcome brttmclv, it's great to have you here. Do let us know if you are still having any problems and we'll try our best to help. The QSF forum is useful, and if you have any questions you may find some answers and helpful threads in there, also here is a link to the Talk CSI rules. :)
Welcome brttmclv! Great to have you here. :)

CSI Stokes Girl, if you want to start a thread about watching season one for the first time, I'm sure you'd find plenty of people around here who'd be happy to discuss it with you! :)
I'm kinda a newbie.. I've been her a week and half or so... maybe two weeks... Some people probably have seen me around this particular section of CSI Talk... cause New York is better than Vegas or Miami, by far. Vegas lost it a long time ago, and Miami got drained after Marisol, and then the shooting of Horatio Caine (and all the mystery I can't keep up with).
I started watching CSI:NY back when Personal Foul first aired. The Lindsay/Danny/Taxi Cab Killer little thing in that episode... at the end, and all... caught my attention in the previews. Had to watch it. Then I liked CSI:NY. In my possession, I had all reayd season 2 of NY... because of the crossover with Miami.. that was why. But now I'm totally engrossed in NY, and love all aspects of the show. Adam... SMacked... M&M's... Flack/Angell... Reed... The Taxi Cab Killer.. The 333 Killer... and anything else that catches my attention.
My favorite charcter is Reed Garrett... and tying for second is Stella and Mac. Yeah, and I crush on a 53-year old (Gary Sinise), even though I will probably never even MEET him. Kyle Gallner himself is 21-almost-22, and if I could, he could always hook up with my sister.. if only we lived in LA.

NY is better than the other two CSI's. And by my username (Claire Conrad), I'm just a little closer to Reed and Mac (in at least one aspect).
Also, I now also own season 3 (plus season 2 I all reayd owned). I hope for CHristmas to get season 1, and for my b-day in November to get season 4. Then I own all the seasons (and be caught up, like I am in Miami.. wait, except season 5 and 6... scratch that...)

Claire (Danielle)
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