The Warm Welcome Thread

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*waves* Hi I'm new, well not really I have benn lurking for a really long time...

I probably should have come here before I started posting all over the place...but I like to do things bass ackwards....So HELLO!

Another newbie to the forum here. :)

I used to watch CSI: original years ago but eventually drifted away. Never really could get into CSI: Miami, so when the NY series came out, I didn't pay much attention -- thought it would be more of the same.

Fortunately, I happened to catch a rerun of "Snow Day" during the writers' strike, thought it was pretty well done, and decided to catch up with the series DVD's. I've seen most of the episodes now except for some of season 4 prior to the strike.

Anyway, I'm a fan of the series now and look forward to jumping into the other forum threads at some point.:)
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