The Warm Welcome Thread #2

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Hey guys! Still kinda new here but i finally reached my 50th post today (and I believe that is when i can get an avatar?) But i am having trouble uploading one. I go to the user control panel and when i click on Edit Avatar. There is an option where it says Do not use an avatar and it is clicked (i don't think i did that). And when i press Reset Field (in my mind I thought that would fix it) it doesn't do anything. Hope I posted on the right thread with my problem and you guys can guide me....:)
Hi CdfSjaI and welcome:)

I think you need at least 51 posts (so that the board recognizes it) and you have to be a member for two weeks. I hope I remember it correctly.

And welcome to the other newbies:)
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A belated 'Welcome' to you, CdfSjaI. ;) And congrats on getting your 50 posts.

I think the only problem would be that the site might take a little while to recognize the change and flip the necessary switches. It's been a few hours, so hopefully you can go in and add an avatar now. :)
Thanks guys!!!! I'm really loving it here. Glad I found the website. I finally figured out the avatar thing. I love Sid, so HAD to put him on.:thumbsup:
Thanks guys!!!! I'm really loving it here. Glad I found the website. I finally figured out the avatar thing. I love Sid, so HAD to put him on.:thumbsup:

Welcome CdfSjaI!!!
I have a secret crush on Sid so I love your avatar. Wait I guess it's no longer a secret.
Thanks guys!!!! I'm really loving it here. Glad I found the website. I finally figured out the avatar thing. I love Sid, so HAD to put him on.:thumbsup:

Welcome CdfSjaI!!!
I have a secret crush on Sid so I love your avatar. Wait I guess it's no longer a secret.

hehe. I know what you mean. I often find myself daydreaming not only of Flack but very often of SID!!! I always look forward to his inadequate comments. They make mind fill with all kinds of unclean thougths:devil: Just kidding, i do ADORE him thoug!!
Thanks guys!!!! I'm really loving it here. Glad I found the website. I finally figured out the avatar thing. I love Sid, so HAD to put him on.:thumbsup:

Welcome CdfSjaI!!!
I have a secret crush on Sid so I love your avatar. Wait I guess it's no longer a secret.

hehe. I know what you mean. I often find myself daydreaming not only of Flack but very often of SID!!! I always look forward to his inadequate comments. They make mind fill with all kinds of unclean thougths:devil: Just kidding, i do ADORE him thoug!!

I've decided to dedicate myself to watching an entire episode of CSI NY and just pay attention to the story line and not have any unclean thoughts about any cast members:angel:
Again very happy welcome to you and all! ;)
Well, I made my first posts outside of this topic coz I didn't see it until now, but I figured I could still stop by and say hey anyway. =]

My name's Jen, I'm in college, I'm in love with Gary Sinise, and I collect rubber duckies. Hence, CSIduckie.

I'm glad I found a place where there are people who are just as crazy about CSI as I am.
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