The Warm Welcome Thread #2

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Thank you very much !!!!!!

It is really great here, like a family spread around all over the world.

As I said before in the Mac thread:

isn´t it interesting that Mac fascinates women from all over the world!!!!! and brings them together..................with one aim : loving:devil: and caring:drool:
Mac for Peace Nobel Price :thumbsup:

And to all "mums" here:

Have a great Mother´s Day.
( I had just a sweet breakfast, made by my two men:adore:)


, udonna and under_cover. :)[/QUOTE]
Thank you SpeedyMeg25 and Faylinn! If I walk around with a silly look on my face, just smile. Sooner or later my brain will start working!!!!
*Slowly walks in and looks around*

Ohhhh...Awwwww...Wow, how nice.

Okay, enough of my silliness. I figured I would come around and introduce myself. I'm Andrea but everyone calls me Andie so please do the same. I was literally googling some CSI NY stuff when I found this website. I nearly fainted because I'm a huge fan. This is like heaven. Wait, am I dead? Hope not. :)

Anywho, that's it. Again, I'm sorry for the silliness. I can't help it! ;)
Welcome to the forum, Andie. I found the board by Googling too. (This was back when had a chatroom for CSI, and they took it down - so I went looking for a chatroom. I didn't find one, but I found this place instead. ;))
Welcome to the nut house, Andie. There are virtual snacks on the invisible table by the door that are fat free, calorie free, cholesterol free, and best of all, price free. Wipe your feet on the Welcome mat, grab a keyboard, and have fun.
i've been here for quite some time and for some odd reason I didnt see this! Interesting...

Well hey my name is Natalie (Nat), im 18, a senior in HS (Got bout 2 months to go), live in Los Angeles and am preparing to head out to Parris Island, South carolina to turn into a Marine in a couple of months. :thumbsup:

Umm...thats about it :)
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