The Wallpaper Thread #4

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wow, so many new great Wps, candy for my eye
you are all so talanted,

and something from me


the link




the link

You guys aren't making any more GE/NS wall hah :confused: My PSP expired so I can't make any more, but as soon as I buy it, I am going to make soo many. :mad:
Hey guys, can I ask a question? How excatly do you make wallpapers? I no this may seem like a fairly obvious question, but I have NO idea! And how do you get lots of pictures on, with maybe sort of a see through-ish picture over the top, if that makes any sense??? Thanks for any help guys!
Here´s one with H and Mac

CSIVegasMiamiNY First of all you need a graphic software like Photoshop or Paintshop. You can use all your pictures as different layers and blend them the way you want.

For my Mac/H wallpaper i used 4 different background texture and Mac and Horatio and the crime scene tape are on top of it. I hope that makes any sense. I´m not very good in explaining stuff like this in english :rolleyes:

Edit: Here´s one for all the Mac lovers :D I have done this in a hurry cuz my sisters waiting for me... :rolleyes: I´m not really sure whether i like the bright colors or not
kiwifan said:
Aiden_Burn said:
Love the wallpapers guys, every one of them is gorgeous. I'm going to have to get my finger out and make some more CSI/Miami/NY wallpapers, but if anyone would like me to make them one, give me a shout i'd be happy to. I need the practice making wallpapers.

Hey Aiden_Burn. A couple of us have been asking for a Gary/Mac wallpaper but nothing has happened so far. If you'd like to practice with our lovely Mac, we'd really appreciate it. I'm unsure about piccies, but in general I love the pictures of Mac from Season 2, where he's more casual/relaxed, but I'm happy to leave it to your creative mind! I'd be forever thankful if you can do something! Thanks. :)

Sure thing, i'll work on a couple today, and next time i'm on i'll post them up.

Couple wallpapers i found, one of which i made for my sister, i think i might have shown them before, not sure actually but anyway i'll show them in here.

^ I made this one for my sister (faith666).

polina we missed you!!! :D amazing wps!! i don't understand the text, but H looks hot anyway!! :lol:
Nathalie Emily look great in yellow! :D great wp!
Joycie Love the Lindsay one!!! awesome!!!!!!
Chez the H and Mac one is greaaat!! love it! And I like the bright colors in the Mac one!
Aiden_Burn love the Ryan one!! Ryan...<3 :lol: and the Marg one is really good!! grat work!!

I've been busy this days a lot of exams :( and still have 2 this week! I'll finish them on tuesday so I promise to make at least one that day!! Till then...
Chez said:
Here´s one with H and Mac

CSIVegasMiamiNY First of all you need a graphic software like Photoshop or Paintshop. You can use all your pictures as different layers and blend them the way you want.

For my Mac/H wallpaper i used 4 different background texture and Mac and Horatio and the crime scene tape are on top of it. I hope that makes any sense. I´m not very good in explaining stuff like this in english :rolleyes:

Edit: Here´s one for all the Mac lovers :D I have done this in a hurry cuz my sisters waiting for me... :rolleyes: I´m not really sure whether i like the bright colors or not

Loved the wallpaper. Thanks. Snagged it if that's okay.
Thanks, i'm glad you like them both. I'm in the middle of making a Mac wallpaper, so as soon as it's finished i'll post it up. Also going to do another couple of wallpapers for different people as well, and a couple group walls.
Ok I promised that I wouldn't make any wp till tuesday but... I can't resist!! :p :lol:
It's from "under suspiction", Calleigh & Horatio again... What? I loved their scenes together in that epi!! I promise it's the last one I make of that epi... (do you still believe my promises? :eek: :lol: ) Coz I have caps from "felony flight" and I want to make some wps with them, and tomorrow I'll see "nailed", taht means more caps to make more wps and I don't have time with all the exams so... (shut up Bego! do they care? :rolleyes: )
Ok here is it!! Hope ya like it!!
^^ I know that feeling togoszmandalover! So long as you're doing a goodly amount of revision for your exams, you're allowed breaks to make wallpapers (or anything else you please) - you don't wanna burn yourself ;). And another great wall you've produced! :)
You've not seen Nailed yet!? It's Ryan-tastic!!! :D Upsetting but a great epi nonetheless. Hope you enjoy!

nikfan said:
You guys aren't making any more GE/NS wall hah :confused: My PSP expired so I can't make any more, but as soon as I buy it, I am going to make soo many. :mad:

Cheer up nikfan! ;) That's sucks about your PSP - here's a Nick wall to keep you going...
Rashomama - Nick
t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr said:
Ok I promised that I wouldn't make any wp till tuesday but... I can't resist!! :p :lol:
It's from "under suspiction", Calleigh & Horatio again... What? I loved their scenes together in that epi!! I promise it's the last one I make of that epi... (do you still believe my promises? :eek: :lol: ) Coz I have caps from "felony flight" and I want to make some wps with them, and tomorrow I'll see "nailed", taht means more caps to make more wps and I don't have time with all the exams so... (shut up Bego! do they care? :rolleyes: )
Ok here is it!! Hope ya like it!!

it's awesomme... i love it

Greg... where's greg!!!!!! :( :lol:
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