The Wallpaper Thread #4

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t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr said:
Cass i can't believe that's your first wp!!! It's awesome!!! really love it!! and the other ones are amazing too! great work!
Mara21 that's lovely!! very nice!!
Here's a new one I made... CaRWash!! Yayyy!!
It's not very well done coz i used another version of the program i use and i don't know very well how it goes so there are things i don't like a lot... I'll probably remake it but till then... hope you like it

WOW!!!!!!!! :lol: Very nice. I love it.
Cass - I'm with everyone else - great first walls - keep 'em coming! :)
Mara21 - your Marg wall is so beautiful. I've snagged it for my boyfriend - he'll love it! :lol:
togoszmandalover - thanks for all your lovely comments!!! :D Another fantastic CaRWash wall!
I think you will like my latest wall - if only for the subject! Ryan - Fadeout ;)
love that one csi fan uk.. you are doing a great job..
And all the others great work to like all your wallpapers and everyone is getting better and better.. Yes..
that one is very funnny Mia i like it and you founds some harts to i see. lovely and i still have to tell you i like your Icon where did you get that pic..??
Thanks :)
About the icon: It's a cap from BTK II. I cropped Sara, moved her a little closer to Sofia and then, as if by magic, Sofia's hand sneaked out to Sara's butt ;)
All I had to do was add text and frame...

I've has those hearts before, btw, I was just looking for new ones...It's boring to always use the same..
MiaCharlize said:
Here's a silly little Nicky/Hodges wall I made when I was bored...
There you go:


Loved it. It was just soooooooooooo cute.:lol:

I'm not so sure about the Khandi WP, let me know what you think

Joycie loved your WP especially Khandis. Thanks.

Nathalie_Emily Thanks for the words of encouragement. They're not as pretty as some I've seen but, am trying. :D

Loved your Lady Heather.

Here's a few more of mine. As you can see I'm a Horatio nut. :lol: Am gonna try to do some LV& NY ones also.


im just guessing how you make those but im not using photoshop but its great how you can create layers and i love them maybe you can make a wallpaper of one of the woman of csi if you like?
Nathalie_Emily said:
im just guessing how you make those but im not using photoshop but its great how you can create layers and i love them maybe you can make a wallpaper of one of the woman of csi if you like?

I'm not using photoshop. Don't understand it. :lol: I can try to do that of one of the women. I do H cause I mainly have pics of him. :D Will dig for some pics.
Natalie great caRwash one!! yayyy CarWash love!!! <3<3<3 And the lady H one is hot!
csi_fan_uk LOVE the Ryan one!!! aaaaawwwwwww it's super cute! I love that guy :D <3
Mia_Charlize that's super funny :lol:
Joycie loooove all your walls!! Especially the Adam one, of course :D <3<3
katpin your last H one is awesome!!! keep on doing tons of H walls!! Love him!! <3<3<3 (too much hearts... today I love everyone! :lol: )
I hope to have time later to make a wall... If don't... see ya tomorrow!!
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