The Wallpaper Thread #4

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^^Thanks Joycie84! :D I must admit I was pleased with that one myself but hearing someone else say it is always gratifying :D

togoszmandalover - that Greg wall is sooo cute! And funny! :lol:

A while ago I had a go at making a Sara & Sofia wall for MiaCharlize - I had two attempts and was never happy with either. So, always a believer in try, try, again, I made another one:
Sara & Sofia (attempt 3)
It's not brilliant but I'm much happier with it than the last two.
^^ thanks for like them i dislike the emily one because its to blury but the other two are great..i send you a pm calleighsaracsi..
t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr said:
csi_fan_uk yeah that's right! :lol: ! Yay I'm sure I'm gonna cry, poor Ryan, but I'll enjoy too!! And great wp!! *drools...*!! Oh and thanx!
GregIsHott here you areee... I made it like in 7 minutes in a super little break I made but hope you like it! (I love the pics they're super funny :lol: )

eeeee! that is awesome.
thank you <33

i love greg yes i do
i love greg yes i do
i love greg yes i do
i love greg how 'bout you?
Nathalie_Emily: Again, nice job! Keep up the good work.
csikicksurass: Love the Nick/Greg wall. I snagged it if you don't mind. And a very happy birthday ;)
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