The Singles Thread!


Recenently a thread was started about boyfriends and husbands. I posted too and found out that a lot of people were just like me, single. So I decided to make our very own thread in which we can talk about our experiences of being single.
For instance, what are the adventages of being single and what are the disadvantages? And why does everybody always treat you like your life isn't complete just because you're single?

I'll start.

Most of the time I don't mind being single. I'm a very strongminded person and I like the fact that I can do what I want without any pressure from someone to do otherwise. I like going out and flirting and having fun and I have a blast being single but sometimes...let's just say it gets lonely too. Especially around holidays or when you're out with friends who all have somebody.
In the end, being single is just like having a relationship, you have your up and downs. Does this sound familiar to anyone or did I just make a big ass out of myself by posting this? :D
Re: The Singles Tread!

No, not at all Joy22. I'm single, but then again I don't know any different. I like being single though. I'm too pre-occupied with other things to want to worry about troubles of a relationship.
zippy said:

*coughthankyoucough* ;)

It's good to know that you feel the same way, it makes me feel less stupid for starting this thread. *cough* Look at that, I wrote it correct in one try :lol: *cough*
Joy22 said:
*cough* Look at that, I wrote it correct in one try :lol: *cough*
Very good. :lol:

I'm still single also coz on one hand my last relationship was a difficult one and I went through some very depressing moments of my life and I don't want to go through that for now. And on the other hand, I get bored in relationships and did some really bad things like leaving one for another in a short time. I felt bad about it now and I got my payback I suppose. :rolleyes: So for the time being, I'm happy and contented being single. I'd rather be single than be in a problematic relationship. I'd still go out and have fun. My last experience is still quite fresh in my mind so I need to take a break. :lol:
I'm 15 too Dutchie :D
So yeah, I'm single, hence me posting here. I agree totally Joy - it has its ups and downs. Sometimes I just wish I had a boyfriend (especially a certain someone named George ;)) but other times I love being single and not being tied down to anyone. I;m naturally quite a flirty person so I have quite a few friends who are guys. I always seem to have found thought, that at one time or another, your guy-friends tend to gravitate towards eventually liking you more then friends. That can be good and bad.

I'm single, and have never had a really meaningful relationship, mind you, the only one I thought was meaningful ended with me getting cheated on. And the guy moving to England.

But yeah, I don't have a huge problem with being single. It's nice most of the time because I can go out with friends and flirt with any guy I want without worrying.

The only time I hate being single is Valentines day, because at my school, everyone rubs it in your face that they have someone and you don't. So I've come up with my own solution. I wear all black and hand out "Love Bites" cookies, which are delicious cookies I bake, in the shape of hearts with a big bite out of them. they're a big hit every year with all the singletons.
:D You guys know what I get when first reading this thread... :lol: Joy 2/2 :lol:

Well, I am single...and I enjoy this rela... My roommate was always complaining me for not staying with her around; but when she got a boyfriend, she is crazy happy to have me being her rommate... :lol: You see...this is adv and disadv... :D And I am staying who I always am... :lol:
I'm still single too ;) The problem is, nobody likes me :confused: Nah, that's not true, but I haven't got many girlfriends in my life. And an even bigger problem is that I fall in love veeeery quick. 'nyway, It's not that bad to be single. It's more quiet and peaceful ;) But be together with someone is also a great advantage, loving eachother, chilling on the sofa together, watching a movie together, going for a walk together. Always together. Yeah, I like it to be together. Unfortunately it doesn't occurs often that I have a girlfriend.
Being single on Valentine's Day can be tough when the whole world expects you to have a lover or otherwise you'd get the look as though you have 3 heads and 5 legs. So usually I'd go out with singles friends and we'd have a great time together.
I do the whole black thing and hang out with my sinlge friends all day. We send eachother candy grams too.

There's one couple who hung out near our lockers, and they used to make out ALL THE TIME, I swear it was the most horrid sight of my life. They were like a pair of seals, flopping all over the place. On valentines day they seemed to tep it up a notch, I think at that point even teacher were telling them to get a room.

That's probably why I'm so anti-valentines. I hate couples like that, and it seems that that's what every couple in my school is like.
madgeorge said:
I do the whole black thing and hang out with my sinlge friends all day. We send eachother candy grams too.

You know what, I demand that you send these cookies to all of us on the forum on Valentine's Day. They sound delicious and I really like the idea behind it :lol:

I remembered another thing that I hate about being single, people always trying to match me with someone. I always get these "I have a friend and he's single too," comments. Yeah, and? Why should I care that you have a friend that's single too? :rolleyes:
Oh good thread! I have been single way too long for my liking :rolleyes:

I have the same mixed feelings though, my life is quite busy and fitting in a man right now may not be easy, I am quite independent and enjoy the freedom of it.

But on the flip side I have a new job, a new career and am moving to a new place, it is past time I setteld down and would love a relationship, someone to come home to and just be myself with.

The hardest times I find are just at the moment when all my friends seem to be getting engaged and married, that is when I feel more single :(

So that's my story, I'll wait patiently and enjoy myself...for now :cool:
On Valentines Day my history teacher went around asking people in the class if they had a date for Valentines Day and if they didn't he was like, "Rejected!" and he stuck an orange 'Rejected' sticker on your sweatshirt :lol:. It sounds mean but it wasn't becuase everyone found it hillarious :lol:.