The Sims 2

I think they are pregnant for too long. I think they just should be pregnant for like a day.. and I hate the babies! they are sooo boring
Well in real life there pregnant for a long time righhht? I'm not one to know hehe. The Sims rocks. I got one of my sims top in the Slacker career.
Mine wants to "Woohoo" with everyone though.
lol i made this one emo was sooooooo dark and perfect, the people living in it were all emo. The guy and the girl got married and had a kid right? well their kid was the perfect thing ever!!! he was all dark and emoish and it was too perfect. then my brother...didnt pause the game. (it was on xbox.) it ended up killing the kid! i was sooo upset...but i used to spend like hours at a time playing its all good.
ive got all the CSI characters as sims :lol:

rick and cath are married, nick and sara are married, grissom is a mad scientist and i am married to greg :lol:
I always make all these movie/tv characters, celebrities, real life people and it is so fun to play their lives. My mom and I are addicted to the game, when the first Sims came out we totally got all my friends addicted to it.
I've got the first one but I'm hopeless.
First family was so large that I couldn't look after all of them and the kids began to die one by one.The garden become a cemetery so I decided that the best idea was to demolish the house.
Next one was a single male,I made a pool for him but forgot the ladder...and poor guy couldn't go out.
Then I had a single female,I thought a fireplace could be trendy,no need to say the house caught fire... :rolleyes:
mine dont die, unless my murderer gets to them, haha, ive killed like 10 sims its hillarious, i made him look like a freak and stuff, and his garden is a cemetary hehe
keiko said:
Gah! my poor pregnant mommy just fell to the floor and died. but her husband got to save her.. but still. I feel so sorry for her. five children and one on the way. so crazy... :eek:

Umm, that just freaked me out as if your mom flopped on the floor and keeled. :lol:

Sims rocks, I always enjoy making people, especially movie stars. :)
I love Sims. I made a Hollywood. Couples like TomKat and Brangelina settle in my crazy town. I also made Missy Elliot. That was fun. :lol:

I'll spend an hour or so making the family look exactly the way I want them to look. They need to be perfect. Otherwise I go back and re-do them. I'm wierd, I've heard. :rolleyes:
i heart (<i know, i hate when people say that too) my sims. i made nick and greg on it they adopted a baby grl and everything but then greg caught on fire and died. i just can't bring myself to play it now a days.
i want to get the night life add on. does anyone have that one? is it a good buy?
I haven't played the game in a while and am starting to miss it. I think I stopped because Open for Buisness isn't interesting or fun really.