The Sims 2

The only time I ever played Sims, I locked all these people in a little box with an oven and a grill and it went up in flames....
:devil: :lol: Ahh...the things sugar can do to the mind *twitch* Im not really that big on Sims, but my cousin and one of my friends are big fans of the games :D

Keiko- Congrats on 300th post :D You should get an icon and a siggy! (signature, for those not farmiliar with the term siggy)
Oh god! that's so evil.. but what can I say, I kill all the ugly sims :devil: ..but I usually wait until they're teens. I just can't kill a child :(

I have no idea how to do that :confused:
Hey, it was sunday afternoon, I had just eaten like 13 Pixie Stiks, and the Sims was right there in the disk drive :lol: :lol: :lol: What else was I supposed to do??

Its easy. Just go into 'My Home', click the edit button for personal information, email, etc. then there will be a little section where you can write a siggy and enter a URL for your icon.

- -Fact o' the day: when you find an avatar you like, right click on it and copy and paste the properties. Go to the URL box in the 'Edit personal information' section of 'My Home'(Be sure to delete the http:// thats already in the box)) and paste the properties. Then BAM! you have an avatar. - -

Edit: Also, since you have 100 posts (obviously) You can send PMs :D
well, it's good that you took it out over the sims and not real ppl :p

okay.. I'm gonna try it now. found a pic from lost in translation.. I love that movie!

i love trapping people in a 1x2 box and killing them and then having death come.

and im married to speed ...yeah kiinda creepy lol!
yaaaay! *does the wave* :lol:

I did myself as a sim and married my love, but I kind of didn't play with them after my son wanted to woohoo the maid :eek:
:D Im glad you got it to work. I have not yet seen Lost in Translation. I should see it soon? :D

But one thing: Is it a chick flick? *old horror flick music and screams* I dont like chick flicks. They're too....bleh. I dunno :lol: I like action, adventure and horror :lol: I just recently saw Boogeyman *looks nervously over shoulder* Im so freaked out to look in my closet now.... :lol: I guess thats the price I pay for seeing that movie.
Noo, it's a great movie. the story is great and everything is just great. it's not like all those romantic movies.. I just love it because it's different :D LOVE IT!
Yes, but don't blame me if you don't like it. my best friend thought it was really boring. but I think she just didn't get any of it :D
:D :D It cant be half as boring as watching a popcorn-t.v. screen trying to find the CSI eppys I taped 2 weeks ago *stares blankly at T.V.*

About the Sims: Doesnt it annoy the hell out of you when they talk though? They were like lavkubn;mjsdshkkgstnhy and I was like WTF?? Are you MOCKING ME?????

:lol: :lol:
No, it's simlish! I mean, If they would actually talk.. I would just get freaked out. I thinks it's creepy anough that the sometimes just stares into the camera :eek:
Gah! my poor pregnant mommy just fell to the floor and died. but her husband got to save her.. but still. I feel so sorry for her. five children and one on the way. so crazy... :eek:
oh! I HATE THE PREGNANT ONES! THEY'RE SOOO HARD TO LOOK AFTER! god, they're always hungry and they ALWAYS need to go to the waskroom.....grrrrrrr one died awhile ago on me beause i just didn't care anymore , haha