The Screentime Tallyboard

Ok, let me see if I'm not blind...
Frank, Tara and Kyle had more scened than Natalia? :eek:
:wtf: One Nat's scene?? :scream: I agree with all of you, maybe that's Eva's decision, I really hope so :shifty:

But I guess, without Natalia, the screentime was good :)
They're improving in some characters, others :censored: :rolleyes:
Ok I must say that I laughed at Ryan having more scenes than Eric & Calleigh. It was about time TPTB!!!!:thumbsup:

I have to laugh, mjszud, at your Natalia icons....too funny:lol:. I agree one scene AGAIN, but more and more I'm thinking this is an ELR thing and not a TPTB thing. It just doesn't make sense otherwise.

I have to disagree on this. If she was going through a divorce, I'd say maybe it would be her decision (because there has to be time for legal matters such as lawyer meetings and such). But, with her situation, I would think that someone in that kind of situation would want to work as much as possible to avoid thinking about the upset. That's my opinion though. I guess we'll probably never really know. The thing is though, I think Natalia didn't get that much screentime last year either and that was before she called off her wedding.
Well she didn't get divoreced also b/c she didn't even get married :rolleyes:, but anyway it is the same thing. Divorce or not, there's something going on w/ ELR's private & we all know that people have all different reactions from eachothers when it's time to face w/ their private life.
I do think it's ELR's decision, I do think we should respect it & I do think that we can't speculate on her reaction to whatever happened in her private life, if that's why she's not having many scenes lately :shifty:
I'm editing my original post because apparently, my thoughts didn't translate well from my head to the message board. :lol: That sometimes happens when I'm tired.


First of all, I just want to make it clear that if it was her decision, then I absolutely do respect that. And I was only trying to say what I would do if I were going through something like that (and I've been there, so I'm basing it on my personal struggles in a similiar situation).

However, I don't honestly believe it's her decision. But, that's just my opinion. Neither opinion is right or wrong. The truth is, none of us knows for sure whose decision it was.

My big point is this:

The whole little screentime thing has been happening since the beginning of the season (and a little before that actually). So, that's the reason I think it's the writers/ptb's decision to give her so few scenes.

And what about last season? She got a little more screentime last season than this season, but not much more. Personally, I think the writers just haven't quite figured out what to do with her character.

Also, we have to remember that last season, Natalia wasn't the only character it was happening to, it was also happening to Ryan. I think it's just a pattern. It isn't only limited to this show either. The Vegas one does the same thing with certain characters on ocassion. I think it may be because you've got usually one or maybe two writers writing for all these many different characters that it's a little hard for them to equalize the screentime.

My suggestion to them would be to assign certain writers to certain characters for EACH episode and then have them all put it all together for the script, therefore we might find a better balance of screentime with ALL characters. There are some shows that do this and it works for them. If it works for them, who is to say that it can't work for Miami as well? :D

That said, Miami has definitely improved upon that for the most part. Natalia did have one ep this season where she got a good amount of screentime. But, it should be more balanced more often as well in my opinion. :)
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I'm glad that screentime is getting more equal between the mayority of the cast :). As for Natalia...

I'm really starting to believe (and this is just my opinion cause like GNRF said none of us know what's going on) that it has to do more with Eva than Natalia. It is just too obvious how little she's getting. I mean, if it were just that she had only 4 or 5 scenes and the rest had 9 and 10 then maybe the writers hadn't noticed. But 1 and 2 scenes per episodes is just so little and so obvious. Maybe it doesn't even have to do with what happened to her this year maybe she's involved in other stuff (charity, etc.) which is taking up a lot of her time and she made an agreement with the producers (all especulation from my part). I don't know but the writers are really dropping the ball on this one if it has nothing to do with Eva and her personal life.
Maybe it doesn't even have to do with what happened to her this year maybe she's involved in other stuff (charity, etc.) which is taking up a lot of her time and she made an agreement with the producers (all especulation from my part).

Well, that is a possibility. :)

I don't know but the writers are really dropping the ball on this one if it has nothing to do with Eva and her personal life.

I definitely agree with that. It's gotten better for Ryan this season, I just hope next season it'll get better with Natalia. Most of the scenes she's had this season have been really good (except WISC where she was only seen processing evidence like a random labrat and not having any lines at all :( ).
Ideally ,the writers would have good storylines for all the characters.NCIS is more balanced and that explains the boost in ratings.But most shows normally focus in the ones that attract more attention.I have to admit that I care very little about Natalia ,which is a shame becouse the actress is quite good.So at this point I prefer more Calleigh then Natalia.But that may change with a good storyline for her(like it happened with Ryan).
^yeah, that's what I'm saying. The character has the potential for something good, but hasn't really gotten the oppurtunity to shine. Newer viewers might not even realize she's part of the main cast. They probably think she's just a recurring character cause most of the time, that's the kind of screentime she gets. It's puzzling. :lol:
Exactly.Had someone said to me last year that a Ryan centric episode was next ,I would for sure not bother watching it.But this season is different becouse I care about him.In the same way. If someone tells me that the season finale would be around Nat,I would wait for the DVD or a repeat.
I have to say I'm with GNRFan about the lack of Natalia. Eva does do a lot of charity work & she's always featured in magazines, covers/interviews, ect, so Im sure it does take up some time. However, most actors don't choose charity & magazine covers over actually doing the job.
I don't think Eva simply asked tptb for less screentime. Corey Miller managed writing her in 'Dead On Arrival' & she worked those scenes just fine - not to mention she was shown on ET just as enthusiastic as ever about CSI:Miami, just as she is in every interview she does.

Also, we have to remember that last season, Natalia wasn't the only character it was happening to, it was also happening to Ryan. I think it's just a pattern. It isn't only limited to this show either. The Vegas one does the same thing with certain characters on ocassion. I think it may be because you've got usually one or maybe two writers writing for all these many different characters that it's a little hard for them to equalize the screentime.

Though it truly sucks, you are correct. Thank God they're getting Ryan back on track at least.
I e-mailed Corey last year (around November I think) about the situation with Eva/Natalia, & he replied saying that it was very hard to focus storylines on every character in a season, but that they loved Eva & hoped they could give her something juicy for the season. Well, we saw no "juice", but no where did he say that it was the actresses decision or that it was schedule conflicts or anything of the like.

I do agree that it's likely hard to manage arcs with all the characters, but limiting one's screentime doesn't make sense at all. What I don't understand is that they've made her a CSI, trained her to shoot, gave her a gun, made her H's sidekick, & have shown bits & pieces of her traits (protective of the team, loving the job, empathetic, ect) -- so I guess we just have to think that tptb are taking their sweet-ass time with this & hold out for Natalia in season won't stop me from bitching until I see it though. :angel:
Ideally ,the writers would have good storylines for all the characters.NCIS is more balanced and that explains the boost in ratings.

The thing is ....NCIS only has 4 major characters (Tony, Ziva, Gibbs, and McGee). Then there is Abby and somewhat major character and then really only 1 peripheral character, Ducky.

Miami has 5 major characters (Horatio, Eric, Calleigh, Ryan, Natalia). Then there is Frank a somewhat major character. Then you have tons of peripheral characters, Yelina, Valera, Tara, Kyle, Dave, the other new guy (can remember his name) and Julia.

It's easier for NCIS writers to be more balanced because of the # of characters. Miami though, has too many characters on the slate and too many fans clamoring for more face time for the minor characters. Thus, someone is always going to be left out.
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Then you have tons of peripheral characters, Yelina, Valera, Tara, Kyle, Dave, the other new guy (can remember his name) and Julia.

His name is Michael Travers. :) And I agree with you that its harder to write for a larger number of characters. Even still, they should divide up the writing duties. What's wrong with having more than two writers per episode? Asign one writer to two or three characters, another writer to another two or three and so on. Then put it all together. I don't think it would be that difficult since I know other shows do this and do it well.
^It wouldn't be expected that peripheral characters have as much screentime or stories as main characters.There is no reason however for a main character to get almost nothing in the way of stories or screentime for an entire season.Peripheral characters can be included in the main characters stories. Writers are creative.Some of the last few episodes have been better,so the writers themselves are probably aware that there is a need to break out of the comfort zone of writing for the same characters over and over again.While it is difficult to make all fans happy,there needs to be an effort to spread some happiness around,not have some fans almost constantly happy while others are thrown a crumb every now and then.
Ideally ,the writers would have good storylines for all the characters.NCIS is more balanced and that explains the boost in ratings.

The thing is ....NCIS only has 4 major characters (Tony, Ziva, Gibbs, and McGee). Then there is Abby and somewhat major character and then really only 1 peripheral character, Ducky.

Miami has 5 major characters (Horatio, Eric, Calleigh, Ryan, Natalia). Then there is Frank a somewhat major character. Then you have tons of peripheral characters, Yelina, Valera, Tara, Kyle, Dave, the other new guy (can remember his name) and Julia.

It's easier for NCIS writers to be more balanced because of the # of characters. Miami though, has too many characters on the slate and too many fans clamoring for more face time for the minor characters. Thus, someone is always going to be left out.
But tptb didn't had this problem in season 5 when Natalia start working as CSI. There was the same 5 major character and they show them all more then one scene per ep. And there was more then 2 variants of pair. Now it's always Eric and Calleigh, Ryan and Natalia. In season 5 Eric, Ryan, Calleigh and Natalia work together and each character interact with everyone else. They can do this, it's wasn't hard for them in season 5, but it's surprisingly hard for them now? :wtf:
If i am not mistaken on season 4 Ryan and Calleigh were mainly working together while Eric was paired regularly with Horatio and having a relationship with Natalia at the same time.So really this is not the first time.But honestly,I just think the writers do the pairings that they believe work best.

Coach mom,I actually agree with you becouse IMO some characters are better as secondary ones like Valera and Travers and i prefer Frank to do the funny liners in Brass style.But in Natalia case she is a regular and it would help a lot of fans to connect with her if she has something to do.
If i am not mistaken on season 4 Ryan and Calleigh were mainly working together while Eric was paired regularly with Horatio and having a relationship with Natalia at the same time.So really this is not the first time.But honestly,I just think the writers do the pairings that they believe work best.
But she working with H and Eric too, now we see that Calleigh working only with Eric and have one scene with someone else in few eps. IMO, season 4 was better, even if Cal and Ryan working together a lot.