The Screentime Tallyboard

Natalia is still not getting scenes.Two scenes are kind of pathetic.

That never ceases to amaze me why Natalia doesn't get more time. The episodes where she has had time, she has done a GREAT job. Team her with Ryan and maybe her scene time with increase. Some anyway.
Natalia's time compared to the others is appalling. I agree MiamiWolfe, Eva does agreat job when she has the scenes. Hopefully next season they actually give her a storyline, that would lead to her having some kind of interaction with the other team members.
Frank did ok last epi. That is something, at least :)
Natalia's time compared to the others is appalling. I agree MiamiWolfe, Eva does agreat job when she has the scenes. Hopefully next season they actually give her a storyline, that would lead to her having some kind of interaction with the other team members.
Ok I still can't get over the idea that Eva did actually have a personal problem or some personal stuff running during this season. IDK what this problem is & I, honestly don't care to know what it is since we are not here to specualte on it.
All I know is that it can't be TPTB's fault....I mean since I've been watching the show, this one is the first season when I literally see that a character is being ignored.

Also s4... I know that many people complained about Calleigh's screentime & I read even in this forum some people wondering what the hell EP did to TPTB to get them so angry. Let me just clarify that she didn't do anything, TPTB didn't do anything to her & her situation isn't the same as this one, at all. She wasn't literally ignored &, quite honestly, I don't think she will ever be :p. She did have lots of scenes & some of theme were really good.
EP did nothing wrong & TPTB did nothing wrong. It was just a matter of storylines & Calleigh was not as useful as she used to be before or as she may be now ;)

I know that when TPTB want it, they know how to match the team in a perfect way so that we have a little bit of team spirit. I also know that when they do think some character are not very useful for certain storylines, they don't ignore these character, they just give them fewer scenes.

Remember when Khandi left the show? I still can't get over the cuteness of the idea that EP had just a couple of scenes in that episode & there was absolutely no reason to complain about it. It wasn't her episode & it was very respectful to reduce her screentime in order to offer a storyline for Khandi.
And hey TPTB created that episode & TPTB built the screentime. So, I perfectly know that they can do it w/ Eva, that is if she has no personal problems during the next season ;)

So, unless Eva spitted on some writer's face, I just don't see how they can completely ignore her character on the show w/o thinking it's a personal matter ;).
Come on through the whole mole stuff she had the scenes she deserved at the time.
When they considered her ex-abusive husband (who thank god died :rolleyes::p), she had the screentime she needed. Same thing when they abducted Natalia's sister.

So yeah it must be Eva's decision/problem ;)
Also s4... I know that many people complained about Calleigh's screentime

I've just brought the season 4 dvds and Calliegh had more screen time than Natalia, and more interaction. How could people complain? In season 4 Natalia was only an analyst, so there would be no point in giving her a lot of screentime because it wouldn't make sense. Though there was the mole storyline it still wasn't all about her. Her biggest storyline was the whole thing with Nick and even that didn't last but so long.

Natalia/Eva needs more screentime to show the progression of the character as well as what Eva as well as the character can do.
Also s4... I know that many people complained about Calleigh's screentime
I've just brought the season 4 dvds and Calliegh had more screen time than Natalia, and more interaction. How could people complain?
I so know what you mean and I agree with you.
I do think that maybe people were comparing the screentime EP used to have during s3 with the one she had during s4 and, yeah, she had less scenes, but this doesn't mean she was completey ingored or that her character has never been considering throughout the season.
She had the whole Elliot's stuff going on and they even used her father in the finale, so I really don't see how she was ignored.

And, above all, this didn't entitle people to complain about her screentime, IMHO, but, unfortunately, I think that the fact she was the fav. character of the show for so many people, influenced lots of people's POVs.
Bare in mind that she was my fav. too and even if I could sense Calleigh was having less scenes than the previous season, I didn't dare to complain about it 'cause I know it can happen and I'm glad that she did have some episodes with less scenes than the usual, otherwise it would have been boring :p

In season 4 Natalia was only an analyst, so there would be no point in giving her a lot of screentime because it wouldn't make sense. Though there was the mole storyline it still wasn't all about her.
And that is exactly how it should have been too considering that it was her first season. Now, I do think that it is really time to develop her a little bit more and, for god's sake, give her more screentime b/c both Natalia and Eva deserve it :thumbsup:
Natalia has really grown on me as a character and she does deserve more screentime. She's been on there long enough where I would think the would get her more screentime. It must be difficult to please us fans all the time, but Eva really has a great character going and I'd love to see her more.
8.1 'Out of Time'

I've decided not to go into too much detail for this one. There were too many quick flashbacks, & anyone who sees the episode can see the obvious inbalance.

Most interaction was Horatio/Eric, Horatio/Calleigh, Horatio/Jesse.
Ryan & Natalia, 2 snippets each.

Too sad for me to even post the exact numbers.

I'll return next week with the usual tallies. Hopefully this season improves.

I know I said I wasn't going to bother putting down the actual numbers, but once I actually counted them I about shit twice & died! :scream:
Not as detailed as the norm, but this is the gist of it --

Horatio: 36 scenes
Eric: 16 scenes
Calleigh: 17 scenes
Ryan: 2 scenes
Natalia: 2 scenes
Frank: 2 scenes
Jesse: 12 scenes

Most interaction was with H.
H/Calleigh: 6
H/Eric: 7
H/Jesse: 6

Now before anyone pounces me, YES, I know this was an abnormal episode & hard to put in certain characters, & yes, I did like the episode...but these are some f*cked up numbers, no denying! The fact that it looks just as pathetic as the numbers from previous episodes makes it even worse. You had your very last "pass", PTB, now get it together.
Hostile Takeover 8.2

Horatio: 25 total
Calleigh -1
Ryan- 1
Natalia -1
Jesse- 4
Frank -2
Calleigh/Stetler -1
Calleigh/Frank -1
Ryan/Stetler -1

Calleigh: 14 total
Horatio - 1
Ryan -2
Natalia - 2
Jesse - 2
H/Stetler -1
H/Frank -1

Ryan: 7 total
Horatio -1
Calleigh - 2
Frank - 1
H/Stetler - 1

Natalia: 4 total
Horatio -1
Calleigh - 2

Jesse: 12 total
Horatio - 4
Calleigh - 2

Frank: 7 total
Horatio -2
Ryan - 1
H/Calleigh - 1
Still looking for improvements as the season continues.
Frank's time better.
I would have loved for that scene with Calleigh and Ryan running with the money(after being stuck in traffic) to have remained.
Natalia had 4 scenes instead of her normal 2.
Oh yeah,everyone did get to speak this time.
Bolt Action 8.3

Horatio: 8
Natalia - 2
Jesse - 1

Calleigh: 6
Ryan - 1
Jesse - 2
Eric/Ryan - 1
Eric - 1
Stetler - 1

Eric: 3
Ryan/Calleigh -1
Calleigh -1
Stetler - 1

Ryan: 7
Calleigh - 1
Natalia - 1
Frank - 1
Jesse - 2
Eric/Calleigh -1

Natalia: 6
Horatio - 2
Ryan - 1
Jesse - 1
Frank - 1

Jesse: 13
Horatio - 1
Calleigh - 2
Ryan - 2
Natalia - 1
Walter - 3

Frank: 2
Walter: 3

I like the attempt in fair screentime, but it appears the problem (for now anyway) is just too many characters for them to work with. If there's less of Calleigh & H, then there's more of Ryan & Natalia, but then if there's more of Ryan or Nat then Frank get's rarely seen. It seems there will always be episodes where one or more of the characters will be less seen. This was an enjoyable episode considering the screentime was well balanced, however, next week my prediction is lots of H, Calleigh, Jesse, & back to the very little of Ryan & Natalia.

If they manage to keep going back & forth then I can handle it, but if it's episodes like this & 'Dead on Arrival' that only get thrown in several times out of the season then there will be a continued unhappiness of fans.
I like the attempt in fair screentime, but it appears the problem (for now anyway) is just too many characters for them to work with. If there's less of Calleigh & H, then there's more of Ryan & Natalia, but then if there's more of Ryan or Nat then Frank get's rarely seen. It seems there will always be episodes where one or more of the characters will be less seen. This was an enjoyable episode considering the screentime was well balanced, however, next week my prediction is lots of H, Calleigh, Jesse, & back to the very little of Ryan & Natalia.

If they manage to keep going back & forth then I can handle it, but if it's episodes like this & 'Dead on Arrival' that only get thrown in several times out of the season then there will be a continued unhappiness of fans.
I too am glad there was an attempt,still a little too much Jesse though, and I agree there are a lot of characters to give air time to.There was a nice mix of evryone working with other characters.
Going back and forth may be their only option,and it must be more than 1-2 times per season.Maybe working more than one crime could also work but I don't know if Miami could handle it.
^Yeah, if they had cut Jesse back about 5 scenes giving them to Frank then he'd have been balanced with the rest of the regulars. I'm definitly not asking tptb to sit back & count every scene (like my anal self does, lol) but I don't see how they can finish these scripts, look them over, & not see that one name is mentioned far more than the others, or one only mentioned once.
At least the majority of Jesse's scenes were with other cast members and not by himself as Vegas did all too often with Langston last season. :lol: