The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

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To self: Why did you quit that job. Over a guy no less. You should've sucked it up, taking the dressing down and gone on your merry way. No you decided that the best course is to quit. Now look where you are, getting half the pay for the same hours. You are a moron.

To my family: Why did you support my decision. You should have told me to get over myself, to not let it get to me, to not quit. Thanks a bunch.

To self: Find another JOB!!!
To my paper: Did you ever think of writing yourself? I'll give you some ideas, and then you just transform them into a nice, long text. You have to be handed in in exactly 11 hours and 11 minutes, and you're not even close to being finished. :(

To self: Next time, start writing your paper earlier! :scream:

*Grabs another Red bull*
To my boss : I know relocating is a big deal for us but seriously do we really need to have a meeting about it every single day! I am sick and tired of having to rally up people and get them to be in the damn boardroom. Newsflash no one wants to hear another long winded story about bloody packing. Stop wasting everyones time already! Just because you have nothing better to do doesn't mean we don't. :scream:

To the sun : Yep its winter but you know you could still pop in now and then and warm this place up:p
To my exams: 3 exams in the same day? Really? Wow. No wonder I didn't even opened the course book for one of them and when the time came I wrote nothing on that piece of paper. Also, could the three weeks of almost daily exams pass, so I can get the sleep I need and long for in a loooong time? Also it would be nice if I can pass at leat 80% of you.

To teachers: You insensitive bastards! You knew that we had that ubergigantic 300 page project to do in 3 weeks, and you still gave us another two projects that should be at least 100 pages each. I am 3 days late with one of them, and you dare to tell me that I have issues with my faculty? Really? I cannot believe you.

To self: Try not to mind the stupid in your life. It will go away at somepoint. Just smile and be optimistic. Oh, and on a side note, when you don't sleep for 3 days, do not drink beer.

To my apartment: I haven't found you yet, but I am still looking for you. Living in this hole is getting depressing and annoying, much thankies to the lanlord who once again managed to trick us in paying more than we should have, just by mentioning an eviction. I really hope you break your leg or something.
To Summertime: Hurry up please, I can't take much more of all this pressure.

To school: OK, so maybe I'm not the best at handing things in. But seriously, I have two projects that need getting done and I won't be surprised if the socials teacher crams another one down our throats. So can you just stop and give us a break?

To GZ: Come home bub... I miss you. It's been way too long.

To self: Go find that James Otto song! You've found enough Brad Paisely to deafen yourself.
I was thinking of going there. It's kind of in my city. :p Nice to know you enjoy it. :lol:

be glad you didnt go, it is seriously overrated. i live a block away and refused to go. the only reason i want to take the course there is because it is only 6 weeks whereas at guelph it is 12 weeks. still am not in the course, and if someone doesnt drop tomorrow im out of luck :(
Aww that sucks. I have NO idea what I want to be so I don't even know if I'll be able to go there. The only upside is that I'd be able to live at home and wouldn't have to pay for a room at the uni... but it'd be more fun to live there. Whatever, I still have 2 years to decide. :p I hope everything works out for you. :(

To _______: What did I ever do to you? Nothing... so why do you hate me? It was pretty obvious you were talking about me on Friday. You turned around and gave me a dirty look and then wispered in her ear. That's not the first time you've been rude. When I sat with you at lunch you were rude too. You're a bitch and I'm glad I don't eat with you anymore and I don't have to deal with you. Now if only I didn't have to see you in the hall...

To ___: You're a hypocrite. You complain how _____ doesn't say hi to you in the hall if she's with someone else and how she's a bad friend, yet when you're with _______ you don't say hi to me or even acknowledge me.

To ____: I knew and know I don't have a chance with you but it still sucks you have a girlfriend... again. =/
Why is it that people who live in the area where our store is think they have the right to park in our limited parking lot to go do there business or shopping in the neighbourhood. The ones that do this usually don't ask either. We have a sign on the building that says 'Customer Parking only'. What values are they teaching their children by just parking where they feel like it. They can park on the main street and they can also park at the Green P parking. Both are paid parking but some just think that because they have a pet it entitles them to park where they want to and when they want to. I'm currently watching a vehicle that didn't ask to park here and that was 50 minutes ago. When I call her to task about parking here she said she has a cat. So what. She said she'd be 10 minutes and that was 50 minutes ago. What she doesn't know is we keep track of license plates of vehicles that do this. Next time she tries this if she doesn't come into the store she'll be ticketed by the city and we will authorize them to tow her car. OK rant over for the moment :)
Jacquie, I used to work at a hotel across the street from a minor league baseball stadium. Peolple would park in our lot to save the $2.50 parking fee. Several times, if I happened to see them start walking to the curb, I would ask them, "Would you like the phone number now or later?" They would ask, "What phone number?" "The phone number of the company that will tow your car." They would move it real quick.

I don't think the police would ticket the cars on your lot because it would be private property. But if you post signs that state their cars would be towed, then you can legally have them removed. Or, block them in with YOUR car.
Dynamo we work in Toronto and the city has to ticket the car before it can be towed. The police actually don't ticket the vehicles but the Parking Enforcement people do. We have clearly marked signs that say private property and vehicles will be tagged and/or towed at owners expense. The signs are even kind as they have the tow company's phone # on them :) In the 20 months we've been at this business location we have had 2 cars towed. To get your car out of hock you need to pay the city $30.00 for the parking ticket plus about $70.00 for the tow and oh yea there is mileage on top of that. If you don't pick you car up right away there is a storage charge as well. Oh did I mention that if you have front wheel drive there is an additional charge.
To myself: how did you manage to not put the lid on the bottle and spill the water all over your bed, now the bed is soaking and you'll freeze trying to sleep without the duvet.

To myself again: why are you scared of EVERYTHING: from ants, to spiders, to thunderstorms, to motorways, just take your nice new car on the motorway, you'll be fine and the spiders will fly away...
To self: Why didn't you set your alarmclock? Now you missed your dentistappointment. And now you'll have to get up early mondaymorning to make a new appoitment.

To dentist: Why don't you have an assistant to answer the phone and does this automatic voice tell you you can only call between eight and ten in the morning? It's really annoying!

Oh and stop getting me to come back every time because of some stupid reason! I think you're making it some kind of sport to see how many times you can get me to come back! Last time it was four times. FOUR! I wasn't even necessary.
To Self: Why is it so hard for you to concentrate you've got like 4 exams in 5 days next week and you're sat watching britains got talent along with a whole load of other things! Get your act together or you won't be going anywhere in October!

To Vodafone: Why can't we just cancel the contract now never mind next week when you'll probably try another daft promotion to keep me! Let me go!

To the government: WTF is with these fuel prices! We would have the cheapest fuel if it weren't for all the tax we pay 58% you're having a joke! you don't deserve 5%!

To Talkcsi: Why is it I can only really talk to people on your site?? I love it here and that may sound silly but thanks for being here for me to rant :)
To self: I cant believe you havent revised today! Get your ass into gear and get some work done.

To Insomnia: Why have I got you...just go away!

To j____: I hope you're ok :)
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