The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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And how do you guys explain that you wake up from yelling but not from the thunderstorm yesterday afternoon?! :wtf:

You're lucky they slept through it. We had a thunderstorm here, and poor little Teddy was trembling so bad. :( You named your cat after a neurotic dog. :) Of course then he started whining at 5am today, so I don't feel that bad for him anymore. :scream:
Dear neighbours,
can't you just play with your dog at least one time a day? It's really annoying when the poor thing's whining and wailing all morning. Some ppl want to get sleep bit longer than usual and through an opened window sounds get inside much faster and louder. I still can't figure if you still have your old dog or not but if the loud one is the new dog then please do smth!
I know you might not be around that long anymore but please that dog obviously wants smth.
I'm not a specialist here since my only contact with dogs is when I meet my friend's dogs which are very lovely and funny both, so all I know about dogs is that if they start whining they want to tell something. And if I were you I'd be there and listen.
Dear Mother Nature,
decide once and for all what kind of weather do you want for July. I'd prefer not too hot since the heat makes me lazy and staying home when I should be at library or going around schools. I hate too hot weather because then my only way to avoid heat is driving in a tram all day long since only the new type trams have air conditioner and I can't sit in that thing all day, I'm not driving it.
Dear Library,
please turn down your termostats to an appropriate temp. It's really hard to hang around when the air's so hot, let alone sit there an hour or longer.
Dear education system and schools,
can't you just leave the old terms? It's nearly impossible for me to decide which school I should choose in few days time let alone walk to them all. I'm not a robot and defo not having either a car or bicycle. I'm not having extra budget around to get everywhere. And can't you just publish all signing process in your websites NOT in PDF format? I CAN'T view the materials in that case!
Dear Fortune,
please please I need a bit of luck and encouragement. I won't ask if that wouldn't be essential.
I don't like pressure but my mom seems to put a pressure on me but that's actually not helping at all. Instead I fall into depression and it leads to bad dreams. All I'm asking is few lucky moments and good dose of encouragement.
Thank you, one never winning in lotteries and being too shy
Oh boy after that kind of dream I seriously doubt my chances to get into that uni. Besides I don't have that much money to meet the signing standarts. What the h*** they're thinking about? That's a **beep** and disgrace.
Put some minor hopes on that freaking internet sign up stuff but it's more of a **beep** than my eyes ever seen.
And you want students to buy that crap? Seriously?
I really hate this country's government and educational system.
Why the *beep* I couldn't be living somewhere else? States? UK maybe? Germany?
Do I have to actually spin professional schools instead uni?
Come on I feel like knowing nothing about anything.
I want to get in a school! I don't want to slave the rest of my life. I feel too young for that.
Of course work gets more money etc, but what about my dreams?
Why this place doesn't have one **beep** criminalistics school? Why? I wanna be CSI after all. How is that possible in the country that barely have heard bout it on tv? How?
I understand we're not the richest country. Oh please it's all because of those ***BEEP*** idiots called government! They don't know and don't want to know nothin more than a *beep* money in their bank accounts!
And now if that **beep** new president-old man- millionaire-freak will try to degrade this country even more I seriously think about my relative that moved to UK to find a job!
God how I want/need the touchscreen phone finally!
I really hate this country's government and educational system.
Why the *beep* I couldn't be living somewhere else? States? UK maybe? Germany?
Do I have to actually spin professional schools instead uni?
Come on I feel like knowing nothing about anything.
Why this place doesn't have one **beep** criminalistics school? Why? I wanna be CSI after all. How is that possible in the country that barely have heard bout it on tv? How?
God how I want/need the touchscreen phone finally!
:eek:Where do you live, BlueDiamondStar, France? If you can't get into a school that does criminalistics you could always try looking into your local police department. Most places in the US, you have to be a cop for a couple of years before you can be promoted to working as a CSI. But they might do things differently in whatever country you're currently living in since you're having so many difficulties finding a school that even has criminology as a field of study.:)
Why do tv networks constantly promote new fall tv dramas/comedies throughout the summer? Is that supposed to get me to watch when they come on because it's not working. The new comedy with Zooey Desch. seemed funny but after the 60th commercial...not so funny anymore. If a show is so "great" then why all the fuss to promote it for three months straight?
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I guess this goes out to anyone and everyone that has ever done this. Who cares what type of music I listen too? We all have the freedom to listen to whoever we want to, you don't have to go out and plain out say to my face "OH that band sucks, not my type of music!" How about you stay quiet and keep your opinions to yourself?
I don't care what kind of music you listen to, as long as I can't hear it. :p Major headache this afternoon, from the neighbours playing their music way too loud. :( Same thing goes for websites with music. If I wanted to hear music, I have an ipod, a stereo, itunes/wmp on two computers.. I don't need somebody else to play it for me.

Dogs: once again, 5am, NOT waking up time. Stop whining until I get up!! :scream:
I don't care what kind of music you listen to, as long as I can't hear it. :p Major headache this afternoon, from the neighbours playing their music way too loud. :( Same thing goes for websites with music. If I wanted to hear music, I have an ipod, a stereo, itunes/wmp on two computers.. I don't need somebody else to play it for me.

Dogs: once again, 5am, NOT waking up time. Stop whining until I get up!! :scream:

:lol: I wasn't meaning people hearing my music, I keep my headphones in when I listen ;) What I mean is people bashing my taste of music ... apparently someone thinks Maroon 5 isn't "their" type of music and they say to me, "How can you listen to that crap?" or say that Maroon 5 Sucks just because I voice that I like them. :rolleyes: Even though I think Maroon 5 is better than anything that they listen too, Adam Levine is sexy without having to glob on mascara :p
AFIS- actually worse. I live in Latvia. In France I'd have found other creative ways, but here it's impossible. Mostly because only thing closest to the real csi is the "crime lab". But it's the only in whole country. It consists of people that have science degree in ballistics, chemistry, physics etc. But there're not much of the modern equipment. I think it's most closely to German way, criminalists don't need to be cops and they wears those white overalls and they just collect evidence and do their stuff at lab, the rest is up from the detectives.
But I'm not fond of the looks of the labs here. Only if they're university labs, then I don't mind.
I think it's most closely to German way, criminalists don't need to be cops and they wears those white overalls and they just collect evidence and do their stuff at lab, the rest is up from the detectives.
So basically the CSIs just look cool in Latvia...hmm, I guess if I want to go on a killing spree using advanced forensical skills, I'll do it in Latvia since the CSI department is nonexistant.:lol:
What I mean is people bashing my taste of music ... apparently someone thinks Maroon 5 isn't "their" type of music and they say to me, "How can you listen to that crap?" or say that Maroon 5 Sucks just because I voice that I like them.
You think that's bad, UrbanLegend? Everytime I tell people that I listen to house/trance/electronic music, they automatically assume that I know the party scene, dance "provocatively" until 3 or 4 in the morning, and use drugs recreationally.:rolleyes: People like that are just ignorant and it's best to just leave them alone.:lol:
Would like thoughts on this aimed at me today :

First carusobell.... this picture and article was posted here last night. So if you had been here instead of on your huge forum where you find the best pictures (and I don't think so) you could have seen this picture and article close to 20 hours ago not just two hours.
If this so called " huge forum" has the best pictures and you have such a lot a fun.....why bother to come here at all???????? We don't want to know or discuss anything about anyone else's forum so please just shut up.

Fyi - username on the other forum is carusobell and this is just spiteful and sick...
Would like thoughts on this aimed at me today :

First carusobell.... this picture and article was posted here last night. So if you had been here instead of on your huge forum where you find the best pictures (and I don't think so) you could have seen this picture and article close to 20 hours ago not just two hours.
If this so called " huge forum" has the best pictures and you have such a lot a fun.....why bother to come here at all???????? We don't want to know or discuss anything about anyone else's forum so please just shut up.

Fyi - username on the other forum is carusobell and this is just spiteful and sick...

Just ignore them. Unless they're a mod/admin they can't tell you what you can/can't post.
Dear headache, go away. Please. I would like to be able to think straight for once in my life.

Also, mom, just because I have a messed up internal clock does NOT mean I'm depressed. Okay? Okay.
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Would like thoughts on this aimed at me today :

First carusobell.... this picture and article was posted here last night. So if you had been here instead of on your huge forum where you find the best pictures (and I don't think so) you could have seen this picture and article close to 20 hours ago not just two hours.
If this so called " huge forum" has the best pictures and you have such a lot a fun.....why bother to come here at all???????? We don't want to know or discuss anything about anyone else's forum so please just shut up.

Fyi - username on the other forum is carusobell and this is just spiteful and sick...

Just ignore them. Unless they're a mod/admin they can't tell you what you can/can't post.
Dear headache, go away. Please. I would like to be able to think straight for once in my life.

Also, mom, just because I have a messed up internal clock does NOT mean I'm depressed. Okay? Okay.

The poster who said it isnt an admin/mod and that forum sucks compared to this one which is tons better
To all the random men/women out there:

Just because I'm comfortable with myself, doesn't mean that I don't want any attention from you. I'm actually really nice when people get up the courage to stop talking about how "snooty" and "stuck up" I am and talk to me, for once. Is that too much to ask? Maybe it's just because I give off the aura that I like privacy more than I like other people's company.:lol:

To Lady Gaga:

I love Lady Gaga for everything that she stands for and the courage she has to not give a d***, but must she be so out there? In my personal experience, people don't have a problem accepting things that are different as long as there is something they can judge as "normal" under all of that unusualness, but it's hard to get people to accept you/your beliefs when you're force-feeding it down their throats by going to an awardshow dressed up as an egg. I love you as a person, Ms. Gaga, but it's hard for me to love you when you're trying so hard to be "unique".

To my friend's horses:

Why do you all keep kicking me in my fleshy body parts? I can understand the simple mistake of resting one of your hooves on my small foot, but when that same hoof comes striking out at me to my face...I'm not so forgiving.:mad: I think my friend hates me because causing me physical pain seems to be her new hobby as of late. She made me take care of her annoying dog and now this...:(
Dear Yahoo,

It's a little aggrevating that I updated to the latest IM version and it has a bug in it that won't let me (and hundreds of other people with this version and other older versions, apparently) open the program. I just had to sit through a 20-minute restore session to get rid of it. :scream: Especially since it's a problem on YOUR end, just like the thousands of users' e-mail accounts that were shut down last month for hours and hours. I know technology can't possibly be reliable 100% of the time, but jesus christ. You aren't exactly known for your swiftness, as evidenced through the funky display image errors that took 5 years to fix.

While I'm at it, dear IE9:

You're not compatible with my university account or any of the sites associated with it, so no, I won't update to you anytime soon. I hear you suck the big time anyway.
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