The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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I'm having a career crisis...should I go to graduate school for two years and have student loans or find a career as soon as I graduate out of college and push back my graduate school dreams for the real world? Hmm...I have three years before I need to make a decision, but I'm a bit of micromanager at times.:lol:
I'm really disappointed in the country I live. There's no way I can get myself a CSI career.
Besides the university online test told me to choose Biology or Geography as my subjects.
There's no uni, college or other school for any of the criminalistics.
It's only one "Crime Lab" in this place.
I can't buy a darn laptop or at least one frickin iPhone.
I can't get some occasional job without uni or college degree.
The darn bicycle is too expensive for me to just buy it.
There's frickin nothing I can buy apart from the other crap I don't need.
My ****ing courage is leaving me at any chance.
My mom is pushing my mind into depressing state that causes bad dreams.
My laziness has gone bad since the first time heard "Lazy song".
The ****ing library has made a new regulation- only one hour at .net instead of two. How am I supposed to copy/paste my story when I barely have time to log into the site let alone other web search.
I am so :mad: that I dunno what to do now. My spirits have left me into nothingness along my inspiration to my xover story that needs to be finished.
Ah letting it out made it easier on me :) Now I just need to see one eye-candy tonight to make my mood...
Why does my cousin have to force me to watch this horrible children's has horses in it, which makes it reasonably passable, but it fails in pretty much everything else. And can you believe my cousin just told me to stop typing so loud?:wtf: Children have no respect for their elders.:lol:
Dear bats that live in my house, please stop crawling around inside my ceiling. It freaks me out and I keep thinking that one of you somehow got into my room again. Love, me.
Dear library don't even dare to send me off again. I'm so tired of all the crapy computers you have and even crappier attitude towards me.
I really don't want to deal anymore weird stuff you are tending people.
And now I want to peacefully get a place to the pc and spend an hour of web browsing.
With love, your pi***d off customer
My friend's dog sleeps in the bed with her and the dog snores, heavily. I didn't even know dogs could snore until I heard this beast go at it for 4+ hours. This wouldn't be a problem, but I have to babysit the beast for a week and he refuses to sleep without a human body next to him.:(
Darn sneeze! Why you tease me? Is that you allergy again? Sheesh I feel like going nuts.
Meaning: seeing Hummer before library door means there'll be a free space at pc either right away or on the next set. Great but only if you go there right away not an hour later. Then you'll get a place only after next hour or two. Niceey
Mom, why in the bloody world you think I'm listening my music so loud?
Because I want to succumb into the music so much that it makes me oblivious to the world around, so noone can freak me out, nothing can make me feel scared, I wouldn't see or hear others. It just the way how I deal with things. It's my way. I'm a shy persona and music is my confidence plus it helps me to get over so many things, near-death experience including.
Thank you.
I have never wished harm against another animal until now...I'm this close to buying this d*** dog a bed and locking it out of my room for the next couple of nights. But I can't do that because then the Beast cries for several hours, nonstop. I feel like such a horrible human being, but I need sleep. If I don't sleep I become next to impossible to tolerate in social situations.
Dear netbook, if you crash on me again, I swear I will find a way to break you in half. I cannot afford to have you die on me, since I have no way of getting a new computer. If it wasn't for the fact that the smaller netbook still doesn't work properly, I would happily use it. So, until I am able to get a new laptop, you must work properly and NOT CRASH AGAIN. Okay? Okay. Love, me.
OK, this is my first post. This isn't going to be a place where there's constant bashing of David Caruso's acting, or the character of Horatio in general, is there? I really don't care for that, and I've seen plenty of it on other boards I've visited or are a member of over the years, and basically, its getting pretty tired and old. :mad:

I'd like a nice place to discuss all the CSI programs, although Miami is my favorite of the three; good or bad, since there will always be something you like or don't like with the franchises. :)
I've decided to go out and buy this Monster a doggie bed and just give him a warm towel with a face drawn on it before I go to bed. I don't care what my friend says about animal cruelty to her "baby" or calling PETA on me. I got four hours of sleep last night and when I went to the store earlier, the cashier took one look at my face and said, "You having a bad day?":(
OK, this is my first post. This isn't going to be a place where there's constant bashing of David Caruso's acting, or the character of Horatio in general, is there? I really don't care for that, and I've seen plenty of it on other boards I've visited or are a member of over the years, and basically, its getting pretty tired and old. :mad:

I'd like a nice place to discuss all the CSI programs, although Miami is my favorite of the three; good or bad, since there will always be something you like or don't like with the franchises. :)

This particular thread is for personal rants that have nothing to do with any of the 3 CSI shows. If you want to discuss David Caruso and Miami you do that in the Miami Forum. I can't promise you there won't be anything negative said about him but that is up to the Miami fans and the mods that look after the Forum.
This particular thread is for personal rants that have nothing to do with any of the 3 CSI shows. If you want to discuss David Caruso and Miami you do that in the Miami Forum. I can't promise you there won't be anything negative said about him but that is up to the Miami fans and the mods that look after the Forum.

Thanks for letting me know, but, in your opinion, do you think Talk CSI is a David/Horatio-friendly forum?
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