The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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Dear idiot self, what on earth possessed you to wear brand new shoes today?? Hope you enjoy the blisters. :rolleyes:
Exactly AFIS. The fingerprint data base is fairly new, DNA stuff as well unless they borrow university lab rats. The computers are old age (about as mine) and I think the real experts are the PhD's from universities etc. Plus the cops are corrupt mostly ("swat" guys too, tend to attack local casinos). Yup I feel like living underground cave.
And most crimes are left unsolved b/c of lack of evidence (or they just simply don't know how to lift a darn prints or photograph crime scene). The so called "criminalists" have lack of experience, knowledge or it's technically impossible to do certain tests.
So yeah I'd say mostly ppl can get away if there's not enough if at all evidence.
And that's a pretty reason to be so disappointed in this country.
I watched CSU (Crime Scene University) on Discovery ID channel and frankly I could solve the cases along or even faster than the students (I did it faster and was very pleased that blue team followed exactly the same pattern as I, they won). That's what I want to in my life just can't do that here. If I could I'd grab my backpack and head over to States and find a way to enter university.
This place doesn't have even crime scene cleaners! Now that's a shame, a big shame in my eyes.
To the goddamn jerk who disturbed my sleep,
wtf is wrong with you? If nobody's opening the door there's obviously a reason for that! That does not give you the rights to drill that darn bell whole night. And I don't give a d*** if you had to stand naked whole night! I just don't care! It's enough you punched that bell non-stop for two hours but NOT 6 HOURS STRAIGHT! Are you out of your mind? I wonder why noone called cops or dropped water on your stupid head. Couldn't you just call on the phone? No you had to punch the door with your fists.
My ears are sensitive to high pitched sounds and that bell was not letting me sleep fully. Thank you so much :mad: :scream:
To my cable company:
Stop swindling me out of my hard-earned money! I'm paying for the basic package of channels so I expect to actually be able to watch those channels when I want to. I practically die of annoyance when I turn onto the History channel to watch a fascinating documentary on the fall of the Berlin Wall and then the channel fades out, leaving me looking appalled as I stare into a black screen. And also, don't give me an idiotic number to call that forwards me to some kind of complaint pre-recorded messaging system. When I'm frustrated, the last thing I want is to hear a pre-recorded message in Spanish telling me I should call yet another number to "solve" my problem. :mad:So now, I'm not just being swindled, but also experiencing the run-around by the cable company. Now I see why people live off the's much easier that way.:lol:
I watched CSU (Crime Scene University) on Discovery ID channel and frankly I could solve the cases along or even faster than the students (I did it faster and was very pleased that blue team followed exactly the same pattern as I, they won). That's what I want to in my life just can't do that here. If I could I'd grab my backpack and head over to States and find a way to enter university.
Well, BDStar, I'm sure the universities/colleges here will gladly take you. There's tons of schools over here that offer criminology for study. I'm studying criminology myself at the moment.:) There's even a really good school in my state that offers a degree in forensic science if you want to study the lab side of crime scene investigating.
And also, don't give me an idiotic number to call that forwards me to some kind of complaint pre-recorded messaging system. When I'm frustrated, the last thing I want is to hear a pre-recorded message in Spanish telling me I should call yet another number to "solve" my problem. :mad:

My favorite is calling tech support for my ISP when the internet goes out - sitting on hold for half an hour, listening to "for faster service, visit our website..." :rolleyes:

Non-rant: Not putting the dog in his kennel helps - he doesn't wake up at 5am anymore. Now I just have to worry that my sister will freak that I let them sleep together... :confused: Also need the one dog to actually EAT, more than just a couple pieces of food a day. He's all skin and bones and fur. :(
Why must you act like a total bitch and send threating emails when you've clearly got a fucking problem and you are just sick in the head and i will get my own back on you with help some others who aint like you and dont come over all " poor me" bollocks when it's your own fault so just naff off!!!
Well, BDStar, I'm sure the universities/colleges here will gladly take you. There's tons of schools over here that offer criminology for study. I'm studying criminology myself at the moment.:) There's even a really good school in my state that offers a degree in forensic science if you want to study the lab side of crime scene investigating.

Yup and I wish I could jump onto plane and just take off.
I've what they provide and it make me smile at all the programmes to choose from.
That really makes me feel like I'm born in wrong country
To the men in my neighborhood:

Please, stop hanging out in front of my driveway and giving me dirty looks when I, politely, ask you to move. You shouldn't even be in front of my property anyway, but come on, is it really so difficult for you to walk four or five steps to the right or left? I'm not asking for a miracle. I just want you to move. It certainly doesn't help matters that whenever I ask all of you to move, you either give me an annoyed look or the Are-You-Free-Friday-Night look. I think the UN needs to come together and make a rule that certain men should be banished to a work camp unless otherwise needed for killing cockroaches or procreating.:lol:

To random cashier:

If I hand you a $20.00 bill for a sandwich that cost me $8.00, is it too much for me to expect my change back? And don't get annoyed at me when I stand in front of you looking for my change. This woman has the nerve to ask me, "Can I help you, miss, or do you want to order something else?" I was this close to screaming at her, :scream:"No, I don't want to order something else because there's no guarantee I'll get my money back!" but I didn't say that. Finally, she gave me my money back after what felt like an extremely long wait. Thanks for being so helpful.:rolleyes:
Ouch! Now my butt hurts and I can't sit on that side :mad:
Couldn't I fell only on arm? :wtf:
I'm so pissed.
My stupid legs. I'm disappointed in you two.
To myself: wtf are you like coward or smth? Those guys probably just wanted to know what time is it since they were sitting at the front side of arena with all the cameras around. You could've at least stopped and listened. Yeah it wasn't appealing feeling when two men approaches and tries to catch up but still... Yup I felt the adrenaline rush which made me drive away much faster than intended. And on top of that you defo had to trip between your runbike and legs and fell on your butt. Nice done, girl!
Coward. Stupid. Embarrassing. And dumb. Defo dumb.
Like a ten year old.
I guess mom taught you too damn well. I really run away instead of speaking. At least could've pretended you're English when you heard him call you Russian. Nope you sped up instead of spending two mins of coversation...
To the darn ppl who translates tv shows:
Are you like barely out of highschool? How can you mistranslate Calleigh like it really is? No you defo had to make out smth extre weird of it. One episode you know how to translate the name, next you've suddenly forgotten. Even I can do better! Should I go to Translators instead of Computers?
Or the ppl reading texts have problem to read? Come on you're darn actors you should've known these things.
To my coward-ish self:
Are you like five? Seriously why you didn't go to college right after graduation?
Damn now you're acting like freaking crap that trembles from the slightest breeze.
Yeah those kids really looked scary, really? They're just bunch of graduates signing in for college. What's so hard to just stand in the line? :wtf:
I really hate myself now. I need twin sister. Or any sister. Even brother would be helpful.
My cousin's even braver than me. :brickwall::scream:
I fucking hate my brother as he's just shouted at me and i only asked him what had fallen and i get my head bitten off!!!
You've heard the expression "You got ants in your pants"? Well, right now I've got a few rants in mine. Here they are. But first...

This is NOT a rant.
To whoever came up with the ideal for these rant threads.
*Goes wild hugging and kissing that person*

To the bank:
When I'm overdrawn why do you charge me for both being overdrawn and each day I'm overdrawn. That just makes me more overdrawn and harder for me to "get out of the red".

To The Monkees.
How about album #12? The one I was kind of expecting in 2006...the 50th anniversary of your tv show called...THE MONKEES. I was also kind of expecting a reunion that year. What happened?

Here's a quote of part of my last post in this thread. I think this is worth repeating.
Why do you feel the need to be stupid every 2 or 3 years? You've done 2 stupid things in the past 2 years. #1...You cancelled Ghost Whisperer. #2...You move CSI: Miami to Sunday night.
Now I'm very extremely pissed off :mad:
I hope I'll be forgiven for swearing here. (i know this is polite forum)
But now onto my rant...
To those fucking stinking workers who "wiped" roof drain:
were you fucking out of your so called mind???
How can you actually do your job when you obviously were drunk or smth when you "did" the wiping?! :mad: :scream:
If you so greatly wiped it clean then why the hell all the rainwater is falling off the drain like the fucking waterfall??? :censored:
Now we (me and mom) had to spend nearly two hours of dripping all the water away from the wall and windowsill :mad: and the damn fucking water stained all the front wall and now the water's everywhere and the dirt from the window :scream:
Mom now has two hours less for sleep she desperately needs. Why the goddamn water had to fall right onto our window?!??
What you freakin bunch of scumbags did to that stinking drain?!?! HOW THE HELL WE'RE SUPPOSED TO LIVE NOW? AND WHAT IF WE DECIDE TO GO OUT AND RAIN COMES? Then what? THEN JUST LET ALL THE FUCKING WATER FLOOD OUR ROOM?!?!? :mad: :mad:
First it's only the windowsill then ceiling AND NOW ALL TOGETHER :mad: :angryazz: :scream:
Now my rant is over. I feel bit better. At least I won't explode. In case the hard words are not good I'll return later and replace them
To parents of small children:

Why are you buying your five year old daughter an iPad, iMac, and 3D tv? Why are you borrowing loans from banks, that you'll never be able to pay back, so your child can watch Hannah Montana, Justin Beiber, and Glee all in striking 3D any time he/she wants? You know what I had for entertainment when I was five? I had my imagination, a book about Winnie the Pooh, and a 24 count box of crayons. I turned out okay, so I think it's safe to say your child will be alright without an iPad, iMac, and tv to keep their attention.
Dear eldest and second-eldest cat: I allowed you into my room for a reason: it's hot and my room is nice and cool.

Eldest cat, I know you don't like to leave your little comfort zone, but I don't need my mom coming home to a dead cat in the window. So, when I do try and get you into my room again, don't struggle. It's hard on both of us.

Second-eldest cat, you sneaky little bugger you. Knocking down my door in order to escape? GENIUS. I will catch you again, though. You can bet your whiskers on it.

So, please just listen to me for once! Please? PRETTY PLEASE WITH TUNA ON TOP?

Love, the person who has to look after you both when mom isn't around.
Dear eldest and second-eldest cat: I allowed you into my room for a reason: it's hot and my room is nice and cool.

Eldest cat, I know you don't like to leave your little comfort zone, but I don't need my mom coming home to a dead cat in the window. So, when I do try and get you into my room again, don't struggle. It's hard on both of us.

Second-eldest cat, you sneaky little bugger you. Knocking down my door in order to escape? GENIUS. I will catch you again, though. You can bet your whiskers on it.
:guffaw:I just love how cats do things that potentially put their nine lives at risk all in the name of being their cute cat selves.

To my father:
I know that you have a new job and I'm in the process of gaining full independence, but I still need my dad every once in awhile to attempt to give me advice. Yes, I usually don't listen to you when you speak, but that's just my youthful attitude. I endure my mother, but nothing can replace my dear old daddy.:)
Dear eldest and second-eldest cat: I allowed you into my room for a reason: it's hot and my room is nice and cool.

Eldest cat, I know you don't like to leave your little comfort zone, but I don't need my mom coming home to a dead cat in the window. So, when I do try and get you into my room again, don't struggle. It's hard on both of us.

Second-eldest cat, you sneaky little bugger you. Knocking down my door in order to escape? GENIUS. I will catch you again, though. You can bet your whiskers on it.
:guffaw:I just love how cats do things that potentially put their nine lives at risk all in the name of being their cute cat selves.
I know, right? =D That's why I like cats more than dogs...although, dogs aren't that bad, either.
Dear annoying girls on Tumblr, my opinion means nothing to you, and your attacks against me mean nothing as well. Sure, it stings, but I have a pretty thick hide. I'll get over it...and so will you all. So much futility and naivety...
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