The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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This particular thread is for personal rants that have nothing to do with any of the 3 CSI shows. If you want to discuss David Caruso and Miami you do that in the Miami Forum. I can't promise you there won't be anything negative said about him but that is up to the Miami fans and the mods that look after the Forum.

Thanks for letting me know, but, in your opinion, do you think Talk CSI is a David/Horatio-friendly forum?

I think you'll find that we at Talk.csifiles are very respectful of fans and their liking of characters. I can't personally say what happens in the Miami forum as I don't visit that forum as I'm not a fan of CSI:Miami.
Darn AccuWeather can't you just send an appropriate weather updates? There was no stinking fog outside few hours ago. And now it's just plain sunshine WITHOUT any tiny cloud!
I wonder where the real weather forecast comes from.
My legs are so tired. My butt stiff. I want sleep. I'm gonna fall asleep if mom won't stop trying not to fall asleep.
Geez, mom, go get some sleep. I don't care that documentary, there's nothing I wouldn't guess of, so don't see any reason you can't go sleep for a bit.
Dear housemates,

Don't you need sleep?! You're up talking and playing music until 3am, then banging around in the kitchen again at 8 in the morning. :wtf: Be considerate of those of us that need our 8 hours!

Oh well, only another 2 days, then I get to join AFIS in the dog-sitting complaints. :D
You really don't want to join me, Raynn. My stupid idea that I mentioned on here about the doggie bed and using a warm human substitute didn't work. Apparently, I must have passed out in exhaustion before the dog stopped crying in the other room. I woke up, feeling really refreshed by the way, to find that the Beast had moved his doggie bed up to my closed door. I already felt like such a loser for locking him out, but after watching him cuddled up against my door in the morning:(...why do I have to be such a bleeding heart? Tonight, I'm going to try the bed thing again, but keep him in my bedroom and see how that works out. Wish me luck.:)
I'm so tired of you always freaking lying to me. I've about had enough, so I hope you had your fun but I'm through giving a crap about you. They make cellphones to keep in touch with people and you can't answer my texts or call me and yet you consider me and you friend, I'm about tired that you have put me to the side since she came in your life have fun and let's hope she doesn't stab you in the back like you have mine.
Mom, please stop it. You annoy me with your talking. It makes me feel like you haven't seen anything, haven't heard anything and don't know nothing about anything that happens around.
I know you just bought yourself a magazine but I'm really on in a mood for your babble. I'm trying to read my book till the end of the limits plus I'm watching tv and my phone has put me off the good mood line. I can explode any second so please stop acting like 5 year old. I will take a look on that magazine and yes I've seen Lady Gaga on various pics, it doesn't surprise me how she looks. I've seen that actor four previous times on this episode so it really doesn't surprise me at all.
There's really nothing much left that actually can surprise me so don't bother trying to engulf me into your musings.
Thank you,
your bad-mood-overwhelmed daughter.
Finally, this Monster is being picked up today. Thank the heavens, because I was this close to saying, "F*** it," and buying a cage. Goodbye, you annoying and slightly adorable beast with four legs. It wasn't nice knowing you.:lol:
Is that so darn hard to just leave a message when you can't reach me?
And also would be to know who's calling me that late.
All ppl I should know personally knows at what time to call and to which number.
So whoever you were send a message explaining who you are or don't ever think of calling again.
Why do people on reality shows cry so weird? If this is supposed to be "reality" then we have different meanings of what reality is. When I cry, I don't take fifteen seconds to look away shyly before letting three perfectly formed tears flow from my right eye:wtf:. Reality shows are so fake it's a joke.
Is that what they call appropriate????
Don't think so.
Come on $1255 per one darn iPhone4???? Are they seriously smoking weed or smth?
That's not real. I can even suggest smth for $299 which is fair enough in my currency and that's not even more that I paid for my first phone. But at least then I'd call it a reasonable price. But this? No no no no!
What are they like idiots or smth?
I seriously wanted to get an iPhone4 some nice day but with that price I think I'm going to call an ambulance before entering that store if I ever do that.
Seriously is that so darn hard to text me when you can't reach? I mean that's how I can know you called me at all. And whoops sorry for ignorance for that long. I haven't come up with some excuse that'll make your jaw drop in shock. Yup that's right, I'm not gonna give up on that basic story I usually tell you since it gets me bored. No I'd take some better plot and put it in some nice outfit to suit your own great fairy tales you used to fill my ears with. So now be darn ready to meet my evil side you haven't seen completely since grade 2.
Yeah right, and that defo makes me intrigued. Does that mean I have smth to worry about? Yeah I had some weird panic attack when I woke up from first set of weird dreams but now it seems gone. Should I worry about that? Meh, I better not completey belive all the stuff Twittascope says though...
I really wish some women would cut their bangs just a little bit. I don't want to crowd on your freedom of speech/self-expression but if I can't see your eyes, I'm thinking, "Wow, that girl is not to be trusted." I hate when people judge others without even knowing them, but I especially hate it when I do it...but I still find myself doing it regardless. Does anyone really not make assumptions/judgements on other people? No. It's ingrained in our minds to assume. Some people just assume the worst while others assume the best, but we all do it. Does that make right? No and yes.

I feel much better getting that out. Now everyone knows I'm a hypocrite, yeah me.:rolleyes:
Dear Mother Nature, last I knew, Pennsylvania is NOT in the tropics. The whole "air you can wear" thing is getting old. I know it's "the dog days of summer" but could you PLEASE turn down the thermostat a little? It's bad enough trying to keep myself cool, but I have to keep an eye on my cats, too! Love, someone who hates the heat...except when it's wintertime.
I really wish some women would cut their bangs just a little bit. I don't want to crowd on your freedom of speech/self-expression but if I can't see your eyes, I'm thinking, "Wow, that girl is not to be trusted.

I hate going to the hairdresser every 2 weeks. :p I get my bangs cut as short as possible when I do get a haircut, then let them grow out. They usually style to the side, but sometimes gravity/wind take over, and at least one eye gets covered. So maybe I'm half trustworthy? :)

Guess I'm glad I just had a haircut, since I have a job interview soon. :D

My rant for the day: stupid dog, learn to tell time. 5:30am is NOT an appropriate time to wake up and start crying non-stop until I get up too (we were all up until midnight last night watching TV). Maybe I should start napping all day too, so I can keep up with them. :rolleyes:
I really wish some women would cut their bangs just a little bit. I don't want to crowd on your freedom of speech/self-expression but if I can't see your eyes, I'm thinking, "Wow, that girl is not to be trusted.

I hate going to the hairdresser every 2 weeks. :p I get my bangs cut as short as possible when I do get a haircut, then let them grow out. They usually style to the side, but sometimes gravity/wind take over, and at least one eye gets covered. So maybe I'm half trustworthy? :)

Guess I'm glad I just had a haircut, since I have a job interview soon. :D

My rant for the day: stupid dog, learn to tell time. 5:30am is NOT an appropriate time to wake up and start crying non-stop until I get up too (we were all up until midnight last night watching TV). Maybe I should start napping all day too, so I can keep up with them. :rolleyes:

Sounds like my kittens! :guffaw:

Dear person who lives above me,

I really would appreciate it if you would stop yelling to no one in the middle of the night because there are people who want to sleep at this time of the day. By the way thanks for waking up the little monsters who already have trouble understanding that when it's dark outside it's time to sleep :(

Dear little monsters Teddy and George,

the bad man living above us is stupid. He doesn't know that little kittens have to sleep at night and not be up and about making sure their mommy is awake too :)

And how do you guys explain that you wake up from yelling but not from the thunderstorm yesterday afternoon?! :wtf:
I love college, but sometimes I wish that I could speed time up a little bit to get where I want to go in my life. I don't understand why some women/men have an obsession with "being younger" when people that are young want to be older. I'd gladly give up ten years of youthfulness to have a solid career and the ability to make decisions without feeling like I'm second-guessing myself all the time. But that's just me.:lol:
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