I absolutely hate it when you express and opinion about something and someone has to throw in that they have the opposite opinion with no explanation of why. It's like they expect me to smack my forehead and say, "You like/dislike that? Wow! What was I thinking? Of course you're right!" No. You're an idiot. STFU.
No, I'm not talking about anyone on this board.
My brother does that to me all the time. Anything I say he has to come up with some counter argument about even if he doesn't believe what he's saying. It's like he does it just to argue with my opinion for the sake of arguing. There are some people who would argue with a stop sign if it would argue back (especially in my family). :lol:
The thing is, I wouldn't mind if they actually argued. But they just have to say "I disagree" like that alone will make me change my opinion. It's just . . . GAH!
Oh. :lol: That's different than my brother then. He usually has much more to say, but I think sometimes he doesn't have the opinion that he's stating, he just states it in an attempt to make me look/feel stupid for my opinion. :lol: