The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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The concept of a it in, pick it up. How hard is that?? Why do you have to stand at the counter forever while people pile up behind you waiting to pick up their prescriptions?? What on earth is going on up there?? Call it in, pick it up!

And you...why oh why do I wait on 6 customers to your 1?? And why do you sigh and whine and snort all morning like you're so busy just because YOU can't figure out how to do more than one thing at a time? Like sort your money as you go...don't put it all in one giant pile and then keep saying, "I need to sort this...I need to sort this...oh, darn...guess I can't sort this." Sheesh!

And every. Freaking. Saturday. No time to eat your fritter!! No time to eat your fritter! For goodness sake, just pick it up and take a bite!!! You can't even figure out how to eat a fritter and wait on can I expect you to wait on customers and get your money sorted?? I guess I can't.

One more there, out in lane 2. You want to make a deposit to this account? It was closed 5 months ago. Why? How the hell should I know?! You haven't even used it in 5 months to realize that it's closed...why should I know why it's closed? Go inside the branch...right there....across the street....go in there and sit down and talk to someone. Oh, you don't have time? You had FIVE MONTHS!!

Done now. :)
Dear Old Lady,

I really need to get something of my chest now that I'm able to it after four long weeks... damn woman you do know that I start working at 5 am and not 5 pm, don't you? So how come that I sit in my office the whole day with nothing to do and then shortly before I want to go home you come with tones of stuff to do for me?

I know you have work to do yourself but why do you need me then? You should have been in pension for two years now and the only thing you give me to so is typing your shit down because you can't read the letters on the keyboard... damn I'm a student, I should get some things to do who promote me and let me practice the stuff I learned for such a long time in my uni...

One day I'll get your job and then??? I won't know what's going on because the people who should have helped me with that drink coffee the whole day and whine about their much overtime because of the many things they have to do... I've got an advice for you all: More working, less talking... saves your ears and makes less overtime... and btw the many caffeine in your coffee is also not healthy :thumbsup:

Dear CK,

I know you're a bully, and you're a mean vicious person. But even I was stunned today when you turned around and told me, in front of everyone, that you wouldn't pick up a sandwich for me today even though you were going to get one for RD and CT. Because really, four sandwiches are so much heavier than three.

Wow. That was a new height of meanness from you. I can't wait until your last day. Witch.


Dear CT,

So first my umbrella isn't stylish enough for you to use it, but then you spend the afternoon complaining that you didn't get your walk in at lunch time because it was raining.

I :rolleyes: at you.

Sorry for the double post but it's too late to edit my last one...I just...gotta rant..


Man you suck big time. You tell me I can leave 15 minutes early (and yes I saw that face you made), and then pile on the work so I end up working an hour and a half late?


I am sooo pissed off and unhappy right now. Completely and utterly disillusioned and frustrated and FED UP.

I'm terrified now that the two days I have booked off this month are going to go up in smoke. You made FH come in to work 3 days after his gf had their baby...I wouldn't put it past you to scupper my plans.

You realise don't you, that despite everyone else getting their full quota of holidays (including YOU), I still have had only 3 days off this year, and none of them consecutive. That and one sick day. ONE.

It's SEPTEMBER. You wonder why I'm tired all the time? I'm tired of trudgeing into work without any relief or end or even a suggestion of a break in sight. I'm tired of taking work home with me at the weekend, tired of being the only one with all the answers, tired of not being appreciated and taken for granted.

I'm sick and tired of YOU.

I swear K_______, you are the bane of my life... Is it any of your business, what time I get changed at, or whether or not I'm going to see J_______? No, it's not... Neither is it any of your business as to whether he's in work or not, or how many hours he does, or where he's working... The only reason you want to know if because you're nosey and love to complain about the poor man, if only you knew the things he's went through/is going through, then maybe you'd think twice about the way you treat him... It's not like what he or I do is any of your business, you just love to stick your nose in where it doesn't belong, and spread nasty rumours about people... Just get over yourself, get a life, and leave J_______ and I alone...

(A once again very angry, thanks to you) Stephanie.
^Aw Steph, I'm sorry to hear K is still giving you trouble. :(

Dear Boss.

A little warning would have been nice. Heck you've trusted me with everything else so far, and with good reason because I keep my mouth shut.

I'm shocked and stunned and I'm at a loss as to how things are going to work now. Maybe on Monday, when it's officially official, you'll explain to us if there's going to be any major changes to how we operate?

But then's not like you are any good at communication, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

I very trepidatious about this. :(

You know, I'm not going to the cinema very often but this one time when I really want to go see Inglorious Basterds the fucking website won't let me make reservations on seats! For two days in a row!
There are clearly seats available, more than enough but the stupid site claims that there aren't!
And you know what, I won't pay for them in advance! 8,50 Euros are more than enough money, I won't pay an extra fee to get them online!
Dear Grandpop:

I love you, I really do. But you have to stop. I am going to college next year. I won't be commuting. I will most likely go to a college that is more than an hour away. You need to accept this. No college is going to be perfect by your standards, because your standards are impossible. And no, just because I meet the required numbers does not mean that I will be accepted. I need to have safe schools, Pop. I need to have multiple options open so that I can go to a college that I like. I know that you want me to come home every weekend, but that's just not possible. Just because I'm going to college does not mean that I'm breaking off contact forever. I know you're having a hard time letting go, but you have to at least try. You find something wrong with every college that I apply to, and I just can't deal with it anymore. Please, please, please... just let me do what I need to do.
To peeps in the club I run at Uni:
Yes, some have lectures and some are work and some of you are near graduating. But how on earth, if there's 35 of you NO ONE is available to do some volunteerwork to get more members? Oh it's just me and the other girl. And our "staff" I don't want to run official stuff thru Facebook but wtf I can do, if you don't answer your emails!? If I send message, that meeting there and then and don't send another "It's been cancelled" it means it will *be* and I won't call 2mins before it starts if it is really being held. You are ADULTS. Well you are busy... so why did you take this position then? If you knew you don't have time for it? Oh yes because we have so little of people that we cannot really choose from.
Ah yes, I am going to be the bitch and do all the stuff to get our register updated and each one of you who doesn't pay that small fee, I'll delete you from our mailinglist and if I get approval, I'll kick you out of our Facebook group (Hmm, I doubt I get accepted with that :p ) Thank god there is only bit over 3 months in this position for me.
Dear Town & County Roofers...
I have no idea what you are doing to next doors house, and yes i appreciate that it is your job but PLEASE can you stop banging for 5 minutes!! You have been there for 6 straight days from 7 in the morning untill 6 at night, i cannot take the constant banging any more !!

Dear Neighbours...
As i mentioned ^up there^ the builders are driving me mad !! But i have been calm, and not shouted or screamed about it (i know you would be able to hear me, as we can hear you through the walls :rolleyes: Yes, i have heard way more than i ever wanted too !!) So when i put the radio on to stop myself from jumping out the window can you NOT come round our house and complain that the music is to loud and you are trying to sleep, it was the middle of the afternoon and i know you dont work nights!! Your tired?? Try being woken up at 7 in the morning on the last lie in you will get for the next 8 weeks, it does not make for a happy 14 year old. :scream:

Thanks, your favourite and only neighbour, Katie :p x
To the local radio DJ:

You know, its extremely rude of you not to wait until a song is completely over before you start blabbing! Some people like to hear every bit of a song. And this isn't the first time you've done that either, rude-o. :lol:
Isn't that annoying? When I was young and taping songs, I would curse out the stupid DJ.
:lol: I wish I knew exactly what station I'd been listening to, I'd go to their website and complain. But, I'm not sure which one it was. :lol: There are two or three that I switch back and forth from when I'm in the kitchen doing dishes or whatever. :lol: But, I was get aggrivated enough that I just turn the radio off completely. :lol:

It's kind of like how when I was younger and there was this Christmas special on tv and the whole reason I was watching it was because of this one particular singer that I really liked. Well, he started singing and darned if the local news station didn't interrupt with a breaking news story... which took all of five minutes to tell. When they rejoined the show, it was on commercial. I'd been taping it too. :lol: Like they couldn't have waited until he was done singing (the average song is no more than three minutes long) and break in during the commercial? Or just run the news on a ticker across the bottom of the screen like they do weather alerts? :lol:

They've done this during regular tv shows too. Why is it so hard to wait another minute or two until the commericals? Unless it's something urgent, I don't see the sense in interrupting tv shows. And when they do it for political updates (local elections numbers), that's the most annoying of all, because I could really care less about all of that stuff to begin with. I don't even vote in local stuff except when I got vote for President and the local stuff is thrown in. :lol:

While I'm here, might as well make another rant. :lol: I'm annoyed by the fact that some people that I know have started allowing their young teenage children to dip snuff. That's the most disgusting thing. Seeing/hearing someone spit into a can or on the ground or wherever. I'm like Sara Sidle, I can't stand seeing spit. And unlike Sara, the whole smiling to repress the gag factor does not work for me. I could go into detail about why it grosses me out so badly, but I don't want to gross anyone else out, so I'll refrain from that. :lol: Not to mention though that the younger you start doing that stuff, the sooner you could develop mouth cancer. You would think that an addict, even a nicotine addict wouldn't want their children to follow in their footsteps in that respect. I just don't understand it.
Dear ex-husband,

Yes. You can drop our son off earlier on Thursdays. Yes, you can do so because you keep him an extra hour on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings (due to my taking night classes). No, I don't mind spending time with my son... but apparently you do.

Yes, I'll take him, but I can't help but wonder why, when you spend so little time with him as it is, you feel the need to unload him early. I do understand that you're keeping him an hour later than usual 3 times a week, but are you saying that it's such a burden to you that you feel you have to "even it all out" by getting rid of him early? Really? REALLY?

Like I said, drop him off whenever you want. I will always be more than willing to spend time with my child, even more time than I'd expected. I just wish you felt the same, and he'll probably wish the same one day too.
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To J and M: Honestly stop fighting with the professors if you don't agree. It's fine if you don't but taking 30-40 minutes out of a class that the rest of us wanted to learn something to have a debate that could have been done another time; even after you were told to wait until class was over. And no you cannot get mad when the rest of us leave with our stuff because we are not getting what we paid for. If we wanted to see you in a floor show with the professors then there would be a class for that, and since there isn't, do it on you own time! - No love from the learning deprived students

General note to a lot of people interacted with today at school: Honesty is indeed the best policy. If you cannot handle this then perhaps the school isn't a place for you. A lot of us are not afraid to speak our minds when something is off. And yes we do not agree with you so that isn't a cue to start throwing a tantrum you're an adult.
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