The Random Facts Thread

apperently the statue of liberty used to be bronze but beause of acid rain it sent it to a green colour

(i found this off a website so sorry if im wrong)
By federal law, for a noodle to actually be a noodle it must have 5.5 percent egg solids in it, otherwise it cannot be called a noodle.

Canada has more donut shops per capita than the United States.

Honey is used sometimes for antifreeze mixtures and in the center of golf balls.

If a raisin is dropped into a glass of champagne it will bounce up and down in the glass. :lol:

On average, a person will spend about five years eating during their lifetime.
So interesting thread~~

-Death would always looking at you on your left, not right.

-The best condition could be for human is sitting in some place with deep thought.

well, are they facts?
-If you were to roll a lung from a human body out flat it would be the size of a tennis court. Holy crap :eek:

- Research indicates that babies who suck on pacifiers are more prone to ear aches.

- It was discovered on a space mission that a frog can throw up.

- Three consective strikes in bowling is called a turkey.

- Unlike dogs, pigs, and some other mammals, humans cannot taste water. They taste only the chemicals and impurities in the water.

- President George W. Bush and Playboy founder Hugh Hefner are cousins. I kinda of see the resemblence.
If a raisin is dropped into a glass of champagne it will bounce up and down in the glass.

I know why that happens! We did an experiment for Science Week when we had little kids in. Except we didn't use champagne, I think it had to do with Vinegar. All the little bubbles attach to the raisins, and make it lighter. Eventually it gets light enough so it 'floats' to the top, where it loses the bubbles and drops back down.
apperently in las vegas people think there going to win so they never go to the toilet and just go were they are sitting so thats why the carpets are stained

(my teacher told me this on wednesday and then something simlar happened on csi)
ok, In Switzerland (I think thats what she said) it is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 pm.

in some places like around Former Yugoslavia the bathrooms are for both sexes, male and female.

Again, in someplaces near Former Yugoslavia the bathrooms have a hole in the floor, voila, theres your toilet. This is also found in some Asian places.
There are three types of fish: Bony fish, Jawless fish, and cartilneogous fish. <-- i think i spelt the last one wrong.
One ounce of chocolate has about 20 mg of caffeine in it.

Over 350 million M&M's are produced every year.

One acre of wheat can produce enough bread to feed a family of four people for about ten years.

Peanut butter is an effective way to to remove chewing gum from hair or clothes.

People who have eaten beetles say that it tastes like apples.