The Random Facts Thread

when people say, "how are you" they don't really mean it. A one syllable answer is good, like "Fine" or "Good", don't start rambling on, for god knows how long, they don't care. It's just being polite. So, GOSH! Don't bore them, just say, "Good, you?" People are in a hurry.
93% of all greeting cards are purchased by women.

A person uses approximately fifty-seven sheets of toilet paper each day. (wow, I always wanted to know that! :lol: ).

A washroom that was built by Lam Sai-wing is the world's most expensive washroom. He built the washroom for his shop and everything in the washroom is made out of gold and jewels. It cost $3.5 million to build. :eek:

America's favorite Crayola crayon color is blue.

An office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet. (scary! :eek: )

Ancient Egyptian women used to wear perfume cones made of wax that would melt in the heat letting out a nice fragrance.
Forty is the only number with all the letters in alphabetical order

Four is the only number that has the same amount of letters as the number
ughhh.. really? i didn't know that. i know some people don't really wash their chopping boards which is really gross. like after chopping meat i think.. ugh.
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.

A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
Austria was the very first country to use postcards starting in 1869.

Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.

By partially filling saucers with vinegar and distributing the saucers around a room, you can eliminate odors.

Chopsticks originated from China approximately 4,000 years ago.

Energy is being wasted if a toaster is left plugged in after use.

Crayola Crayons currently has over 120 different crayon colours.
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.

A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

WHAT? my goldfish won't remember me? Now that's sad.
Days on the planet Venus are longer than Years on Venus!

The planet Saturn is so light it would float if placed in water!

The National Space Centre was very informative!
The word 'suki' is japanese for sh*t.

My two cents ;)

Wait, isn't Lorelai's friend from GG Suki? Oh no, it's spelt as 'Sookie'. Suki sounds really lovely, though! :)

Termites eat through wood 2 times faster when listening to rock music. :cool:

Animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons.

The average woman consumes 6 pounds of lipstick in her lifetime! :eek: