The Random Facts Thread

^I know. Since we all watch CSI I'm sure everyone knows this fact but I'll post it anyway...

Forensic scientists can determine a person's sex, age, and race by examining a single strand of hair.

Here's another one...

You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world.
In downtown Lima, Peru, there is a large brass statue dedicated to Winnie-the-Pooh.

Los Angeles and San Francisco become 2.5 inches closer together each year because they are on opposite sides of the San Andreas fault.

People in Sweden, Japan, and Canada are more likely to know the population of the United States than are Americans.

The royal house of Saudi Arabia has close to 10,000 princes and princesses.

The Sahara desert is expanding half a mile south every year.

There is a resort town in New Mexico called "Truth or Consequences."

A common custom in Spain is to eat one grape for each of the last 12 seconds of every year for good luck.

A one kilogram packet of sugar will have about 5 million grains of sugar.

A piece of French toast that was partially eaten by Justin Timberlake sold on eBay (ewww, not sure I'd want that! :eek: ).

95% of the entire lemon crop produced in the U.S. is from California and Arizona.

850 peanuts are needed to make an 18 oz. jar of peanut butter.

38% of Americans eat breakfast everyday.
In science I learned that, in theory, any man can become pregnant. I dunno how, I wasn't paying THAT much attention. Having to sit in front is enough.
Yeah, I think that a man can become pregnant, but they don't have any way to give bith?? PLease don't quote me on that one, 95% chance I am wrong! :lol:
it made all the 7th grade boys shiver and say ewwwww while the girls just laughed and asked 'how would they get it out' 'through theit um, thing obviously' i just laughed, being a girl.
A piece of French toast that was partially eaten by Justin Timberlake sold on eBay

A peice of gum chewed by Britney Spears was sold on eBay. Apparently she was on the red carpet and a person caught the chewed gum she spat. It's in some tupperware container.
yeah, I learned that in Geography ^^.
I have some
-11 of the fifty states are name after real people
-Hawaii is the only state with One school district
-Brain waves can be usedto run an electric train.
-The most popular name for animals are Max. (I got that one from McGee on NCIS :lol: )
Surprisingly, Hawaii has THREE interstate highways.

If you are lost in nature and you need liquid to put on a wound use urine, when urine comes out of the body it is sterile unlike water you'll find.

There are only fourty-six states
KN are commonwealths, there is one more but I can't think of it.
According to legend, tea originated in China when tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water.

According to Scandinavian traditions, if a boy and girl eat from the same loaf of bread, they are bound to fall in love.

After chocolate and vanilla, orange is considered the world's most favourite flavour.

Alcohol beverages have all 13 minerals necessary for human life.

Although white wine can be produced from both red and white grapes, red wine can only be created from red grapes.

Americans consumed more than twenty billion hot dogs in 2000.