The Random Facts Thread

Did you know . . . .

- you cant lick ur own elbow (i bet ur all trying to do it)

-The nursery rhyme 'ring-a-ring a roses' is about the plague/black death.

- The difference between a biscuit and a cake is that when they go stle, cakes go hard and biscuits go soft.

- There are 284 mountains over 3000ft in Scotland and they are collectively known as Munroes

-99.6% of Manchester United fans have never been to old tafford.

- 87.5% of statistics are made up

- Coca Cola made santa claus red

Thats all for now, ill think of some more
The word Thailand means "land of the free."

The world's highest capital is La Paz, which is the capital of Bolivia. The capital is located about 12,000 feet above sea level.

There are over 2,000 different species of cactuses.

There are over one hundred billion galaxies with each galaxy having billions of stars.

You can send a postcard from Hell. There is a small town located in the Cayman Islands called "Hell." They even have a post office.

When the volcano Krakatoa off the Java islands exploded in 1883, it was so loud that it woke some people up in South Australia.

Devon is the only county in Great Britain to have two coasts.

46 percent of the world's water is in the Pacific Ocean. The Atlantic has 23.9 percent; the Indian, 20.3; the Arctic, 3.7 percent.
You can send a postcard from Hell. There is a small town located in the Cayman Islands called "Hell." They even have a post office.

There's a town called Hell in Norway too. :p

Devon is the only county in Great Britain to have two coasts.

:D Go Devon.
My friend Kevin went to Hell before, he suprisingly came back. :) There's a city in MI that is called Hell. Hes a runner and him and a few of his friends have T-Shirts that say 'I've ran through Hell and back' then on the back it says 'Hell, Michigan Runner' although he lives in Flint, MI.
With all these hell talk... I once travelled in Express Train 666 and came back home in Express Train 69 :lol: :lol:. I couldn't help laughing. I don't know have they got complaints but it's now changed to Express Train 266 :lol: :lol:
^^ That's pretty darn funny! :lol:

In Cantonese the number four is bad luck, because it also means "die". And the number 14 is REALLLY bad luck, because it means something along the lines of "you are going to die".

And are you guys familiar with the show Sagua the Chinese Siamese Cat? Sagua oddly sounds similar to the word "idiot'" or watermelon (si-gua).
The only place where feta cheese can be called feta cheese is in Greece. Everywhere else it can only be known as goat cheese.
The only place where feta cheese can be called feta cheese is in Greece. Everywhere else it can only be known as goat cheese.

Actually I live in the USA and we call feta cheese, feta cheese. But some people call it goat cheese.
am I stupid? I doon't get the 666 69 Express Train thing. Maybe its cuz ive mever been on a train before. i dunno

666 is the number for the devil, and 69 is s exual position

The only place where feta cheese can be called feta cheese is in Greece. Everywhere else it can only be known as goat cheese.
we call it feta here (aus), never heard of goat cheese lol
Feta cheese and goat cheese are the exact same thing pretty much. You can find feta cheese in the Greek salad that you eat. Actually, feta is a mix of both sheep and goat milk. Greece actually won the right to call it feta, every other country has to refer to it as goat or Greek cheese I guess. So if it's produced in the USA for example it cannot be called feta cheese. Here's the link to the story as proof:

Here's another random fact since I'm getting off-topic:

A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but monkeys can't.