The Official Pets thread

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OMG.. that story about your dog, zippy that made me all teary.. I'm so sorry to hear about that, I know what it means growing up with animals; they are like family, yes!

Your guinea pig is so cute :) I like his name too.. uhm.. Pepik is a nickname for all Czech people who are called Jozef.. yeah dunno why, but my uncle is called Pepik.. but when you call him or something, you call him 'Pepiku' :D
I know :lol: my Czech friend named him. :D I had bought him as a gift for Janichka my czech best friend. But silly Lufthansa didn't allow her to bring Pepiku along so he has to come with me. I guess that's some fate.

About my dog, I still cry sometimes when I think of him. Sometimes I'd dream of him dying and wake up all teary-eyed. Ah well, gotta let go of that...!
:lol: I can't believe your friend called him 'Pepiku' on purpose :lol: That's such a sad name now that I think of it.. haha.. but it's so friggin' funny too!! *looks at cat* Yeah Yeah, I know we call you 'Mug' aka 'Mosquito'.. we wanted to call her Fatima or Truus as well.. and uhm.. those are rather common old sad names.. heh.. no offense to people called Fatima or Truus though.. *runs*
Sad? Why? *curious* You know, he was first called Snoopy. Then the Germans started calling him Snoopenstein and it kinda got stuck in my head...then Janichka suddenly started calling him Pepiku everyday and that got even more stuck in my head. So that's how he became Pepiku Snoopenstein. I've actually used his character to write my e-book. :lol:

Truus sounds good to me. Mug too haha!
Oh no.. Truus is very pathetic actually.. I meant sad.. like pathetic in a funny way.. hmm.. in Dutch we have the perfect word for it.. 'sneu'.. it's like.. 'unfortunate'.. yeah nevermind :rolleyes:
Sorry teacher.
I'll write it out 100 times. ;) :lol:
yay, fully grammatical and punctuated sentence :lol:

shes not all black? you have to feed her more ;)
or theres too much head!! :p

oops...gotta feed my fish now ;)
ill get a pic later
and i got a small outside pond...but its too cold for the fish, its filthy and the cats eat them :(

so we dont put fish there anymore :p
like i later
Watching that sort of thing is gross, even if it is nature. Speaking of killer kitties, my best friend has a cat named Sophie (quit laughing, guys). She's a weird calico mix around a year and a half old and was born without a tail. Amazingly, she's more agile than most cats and in spite of having been declawed, managed to kill all the moles in my friend's backyard last summer. Sophie also has itchy feet and always finds a way out of the house for a little trip. My friend has tried every trick possible to keep Sophie from taking off to no avail. She always comes back, though.

Sometimes with a bird. :rolleyes:

Sometimes with a live bird. :eek:

And moles...

Other than that, she's the sweetest kiity to ever curl up on your lap. My nickname for her is "Serial Kitty".

Whenever Sophie's not in the house, the running joke is,

"Hey, where's Sophie?"

"Oh, she's in the garden, killing things..." :eek:
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