The Official Pets thread

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How did I miss this thread? My pets are my babies!

I have a parakeet named Jingles because she showed up on my front lawn during Christmas break. No one claimed her. She lived in a hamster cage the first month she was here. Now she has her own two story palace and is quite happy living here surrounded by cats.

As of last week, I have five cats. There is this huge invisible sign that says "Dump your pets here, this sucker will take them in!"

I thought I had removed that sign, but evidently, they put it back up.

First is my 12 year old who rules the house, nothing goes on without her approval.

Then there is Little White Dove (aka Pudge) who is not happy with me so will not sit still for a picture. She's not happy that I'm keeping the new one, so she's grouchy.

Third is Abigail, the son of Pudge. He belonged to my niece and I inherited him when she moved out of state. Yes, I said HE. The poor guy is named Abigail. You try explaining to a four year old that her little girl kitty isn't a girl.

Next is Lil Devil. Another cat that I inherited, this time from my nephew. She loves boxes of all shapes and sizes. She'll play in one for hours and then sleep in it. There is nothing devilish about her, except that she will nibble on your toes if you are gardening without shoes on.
Lil' Dev

Last is my newest, Kessa. Someone dumped her off with a hurt leg. I thought it might be broken so I took her to the vet first thing. She has no use or feeling in her right front paw. They're set to amputate it next month. So, she'll be my lil triped soon. She's a sweetheart and very active even with only three legs. Sacajawea has decided to adopt her and is training her to be her partner in crime. (Go back to Sacajawea's pic and u'll see Kessa in there with her.)
Sacajawea's shadow
so many kitties! i want to be a crazy cat lady when i grow up :D

heres another one of the pixter
sure, she looks all sweet and innocent, thats cuz she knows shes being watched. take your eyes off her for a second and she goes awol. shes been pretty good outside the last few weeks, and we were thinking 'maybe shes just to old to jump the fence and wont leave the yard anymore' tricky pix was lulling us into a false sense of security. i go out to use the bbq yesturday and where is she? thats right, on the fence.
so i go to try and help her down but she knows shes in trouble so she jumps. and of course, pops her hind legs out (her hind legs come out of the socket, its real gross but they were xrayed and the vet said no problem) we have to pick her up and you can feel it pop back in!!
maple your kitty scares me :lol:

Here's my dog Rocky . He's a Jack Russell Terrier, he's a hyper thing too. My sister brought him home without asking my parents, and now we have a dog :lol: He's only a puppy, about 2 years old.
This is my baby . His name is Chakotay and he will be 7 in July. Isn't he pretty?

He is such a sweetie. Sometimes he will sit in my lap when I'm on the 'puter. He sleeps with me on the bed and during cold weather, will crawl under the covers with me. He loves his catnip and his two of his favorite toys (number three is somewhere around here). Luckily, he's not a picky eater but will go nuts over wet food.

I wuv him and he wuvs me! :D
dont fear pix allstar she was a mighty fine hunteress in her day but only birds and baby bunnies met their doom by her hand. shes only got her canine teeth, two mollars and some premolars left (the vet said thats good for a 14 year old abby :lol:) so shes all but given up on killing things.
we used to have to put a leash on her harness that was tied to the house because she went on a murder spree. but then she snatched a bird out of the air while on her leash! :eek:
all I have is two gerbils i love them i let one of them sit on my shoulder or on my lap when i watch tv.
There names are Sandy and Shadow lol not very creative names i know but they dont mind ill try and post some photos lol
trent_bowie said:
This is my baby . His name is Chakotay and he will be 7 in July. Isn't he pretty?
He's soooo cute, Trent.. my mum used to have a crush on uhm.. yeah.. on Chakotay :lol: Well, so did I actually.. secretly, because he's way to old for me :p

Tried to upload a pic of my cat, but photobucket is down at the moment :(
So I'm officially here. I've been denying the existence of this thread coz I know I'll get hooked to this one. But then I took a peek yesterday and...dang you know it, I'm trapped. :lol:

Here's my guinea pig called Pepiku Snoopenstein. He has a longer name but this will do just fine. I bought him in India and he was born on Xmas day 2004. I've posted his pics b4 in the photo thread, now this is a proper place.

Relaxing under the cushion.
You don't see me!
When he was a baby.

I love animals. I had so many pets since I was a kid. Dogs, turtles, fishes, mice, hamsters, guinea pig...but I'm still haunted by an incident some years ago. My dog of 9 years were stolen and was never found. I grew up with him and he's like our little brother. He's the friendliest dog in the neighborhood, the most gentle creature, he doesn't even bark at a cat. Someone speculated that he was stolen so they could sell him off and upon realizing he's an old dog, has left him to die of hunger...and that image got stuck in my mind till now. :(
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