ive always wanted a horse, but alas, i had to settle for lesson horses. oh well, i always loved them 
my favourite was an anglo-arab named sonny. i rode him through most of highschool. whenever i came into the barn or after i put him back in his stall id say 'sonny, wheres my kiss?' and hed put his nose through the bars so i could kiss him :lol:
animals usually like me, i only rode one horse where im pretty sure she didnt like me. the way she looked at me when i open her stall, i swear if she could talk she would have said 'not you again' :lol:
my favourite was an anglo-arab named sonny. i rode him through most of highschool. whenever i came into the barn or after i put him back in his stall id say 'sonny, wheres my kiss?' and hed put his nose through the bars so i could kiss him :lol:
animals usually like me, i only rode one horse where im pretty sure she didnt like me. the way she looked at me when i open her stall, i swear if she could talk she would have said 'not you again' :lol: