The Official Pets thread

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sadly i have no pics of my pet but he is soooo cute!!! his name is dalton eric(like eric delko) jernigan. if he was a girl it would have been emily! haha but he is the best and only rabbit i will ever have. his head is slightly crooked bc of a ear infection wen he was young, but that doesnt stop my lil buddy from hoppy around! i luv him soooo much!
I feel wierd writing here cos i actually don't have any pets well we have Fish in the pond outside we've lost count of how many we actually have in there we;re definately in double figures but as some are black its very very hard to count... tho we have the moma fish who is hugggee gold one my dad says we could eat her but thats just cruel.

I'm actually allergic to animal fur so we can't have any dogs/cats/rabbits really can't have anything because of me but the problem is i would love a dog but its just not feasible without me sneezing/ asthma the lot all flairing up.

We used to have a cat called Thumper when we were younger was a stray that just walked in our house and decided to stay and got the name cos of teh way it jumped up the stairs.
I have a dog called Toby, he is a black and Brown Jack Russel Terrier. He is 4 1/2.. *Searches my computer for a pic of him* aswell as 2 Golfish which are 7, they are called Rooney and Ronaldo (My brother is a huge Manchester United Football Club fan...)

Can't find a pic of Toby, but I found a pic of my cousin's dogs, they are so cute, The Black & White Collie is called Chip and the Brown German Shepherd is called Bonnie.

This is Dodger (after the Artful Dodger) he's my ferret. He's almost a year old and I loves him very much! I know the picture is kinda bad but if you've ever tried to get a ferret to sit still you'd know how hard it is.

He has this fettish for socks so you can't wear them around him or he'll bite you. He doesn't mean to... he just wants the socks. I found a pile of socks in the back of my closet a few weeks ago. (sometimes we let him run around the house a little when we're here with him.)

He's really sweet though, too, and that makes up for the annoying sock fettish. He loves to come sit with you or play with you and he's even been known to lick your face as a thank you for bringing him food, or hugging him, or playing with him.


This is Church my cat. I think I've posted on her before... maybe. She got her name after the cat from Pet Cemetary (the evil cat) because she has an evil streak in her a mile long. She does this low gutteral growl thing that can make your hair stand up. Other times, however, she's a total sweetie. It just depends on when you catch her. She has been known to bite, scratch, and cuddle all in the same 2 minute period.


Lastly is Aelphaba or "Elphie" for short. She's a one and a half year old Shiloh Shepherd and the absolute love of my life. (Not that I don't love Dodger and Church just as much, I do) She's my baby though and I just hate spending time away from her.

She's really shy so she doesn't really like meeting new people but once she gets to know you (which can take a long time sometimes) she loves you so much.

She plays this game with my roomate where they "whine" or "groan" at each other and she'll get all excited and jump up and pretty much tackle my roomate. But it's cute... I can't make the sound so I never get to participate.

Uhh... and she's really smart. Learns very quickly. I used to train dogs for our local animal rescue organization and when I brought Elphie home I just put her right in the training sessions from the time she was 8 wks old and she picked it all up very quickly. Now she helps me train the other dogs. She's such a wonderful girl.

aw, i wanted a ferret! they sound like a lot of work but i feel like once you know what youre doing it would be easy :) plus they are super cute!

happy year of the rat everyone! in honor of the chinese new year here are my ratties:
rat attack!
i think ive posted it before, but i dont have any new ones of them right now.
This is my little girl Pooky. She's sleeping on the heater in my bedroom. She loves the warm spots! :) She considers herself too dignified for Christmas.

This is Thomas (Tommy kitty) opening his Christmas present. In this one he is playing with his new mousie. We were lucky to have Tommy around for Christmas this year. He had emergency surgery to remove a tumor from his intestines, that turned out to be cancerous, on November 29th. The last thing we wanted to do was to put another cat to sleep as we had to put Psycho to sleep at the end of June for inoperable cancer.

Does anyone have any experience with having bloodhounds as pets. As most of you know our Boxer Misty died last September, there's a pic of her a couple pages back, and we've decided that we can love another dog again and have filled out the adoption forms for a 1 year old bloodhound. I've heard that because of their nose they can be very difficult to obedience train so if any of you have experience with bloodhounds or hounds in general please tell me some techniques you used for good obedience. Also do they drool as much as books say and can they really fling it like books say they can?
I have a female Leopard Tortoise named Sam :D


She seems to have a love of diving headfirst into the swimming pool and then wading around until someone picks her back up. :lol:
^Oh yes :D She is. And she loves trying to sneak into the house when we're not looking and likes to explore. Sitting underneath the dining table seems to be a favourite of hers :lol:
Calihan i would guess that bloodhounds are easy to train, since they are used as police dogs those are some of the most obedient dogs out there. it would probably be in your families best interest to take him to an obedience class and maybe even a socialization class (depending on the dogs situation before adoption) i work with mixed hounds at school, and some of them are more easily trained than others. but im no professional, but im sure they could be trained better in a class.

they probably can drool a lot, with those floppy cheeks. but thats part of there charm though isnt it? ;)
Calihan said:
Does anyone have any experience with having bloodhounds as pets. As most of you know our Boxer Misty died last September, there's a pic of her a couple pages back, and we've decided that we can love another dog again and have filled out the adoption forms for a 1 year old bloodhound. I've heard that because of their nose they can be very difficult to obedience train so if any of you have experience with bloodhounds or hounds in general please tell me some techniques you used for good obedience. Also do they drool as much as books say and can they really fling it like books say they can?

Calihan my sister had a bloodhound and her dog laundry load double in size because of Tequila. That was the dog's name. One thing she always said is with a bloodhound you will find slobber all over the place. I don't know how difficult Tequila was to train but because they are a very intelligent dog he got bored very quickly with training. She constantly had to challenge him. She no longer has Tequila, her ex has him, but she still has hounds of different varieties. You may find some help by talking on-line to other bloodhound owners.
Thanks for starting this up again so I could see them, Cap'n Jacquie! They are great!

Here's my guys....

Ellie (or Miss Ellie or Ellie Belle)
Cricket (or Cricky or Mr. Cricket)

Ellie is 11 and Cricket is 9. I adopted them both at the same time 7 years ago when my Rex died.

This picture of Cricket is actually in the 2008 Page-a-Day Cats desk calendar. December 18. :)
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