The Official Pets thread

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This is my adorable doggie Sophie, she's almost 4, and she's my little sister. I don't have any real siblings, so my dog is the closest I get.

She's a portugese waterdog, and when she was born she had a severe heart defect, which made it so she didn't have a heartbeat, she vibrated. The breeder was going to kill her, but then the veterinary school in Guelph offered to adopt her, do an experimental operation, and then give her to a special family.

She's been through two operations and has 11 little corks in her heart!!! She's now happy, healthy, and as you guys can see, as cute as a button!!!!

She's a real miracle puppy.
I don't have any real siblings, so my dog is the closest I get.

oh poor you, no siblings to hog the bathroom, no siblings to steal your clothes, no siblings to use your iPod without permission then drop it in the mud. Poor you. Consider yourself lucky. Your dog sounds really lucky though, and looks adorable. Oh and also no siblings to feed your dong without giving him his Claritin which means I have to handle meat because I need to wrap it in meat or he won't take it :mad:.

I will try to take a picture of Maddie today if I see her when I put out her food.
Aww, everyone with siblings hates it, but when you're an only child your parents pin all thier hopes and dreams on you!!! It's so much pressure!

But yeah, Sophie's a miracle puppy. I can't imagine that someone wouldn't have wanted her, since I love her beyond words!
madgeorge said:
Aww, everyone with siblings hates it, but when you're an only child your parents pin all thier hopes and dreams on you!!! It's so much pressure!

OR you can listen to your parents say, "See advanced math isn't that hard, look Ellie is doing fine in it. We can't see why you had to drop the course, you need to apply yourself more" AI f*cking suck at math. I get it it won't be my major. Ellie may be smarter than me, she may be able to do math problems in 6th I couln't do when I was in 7th but why don't you get it. I am getting As everywhere else, I am taking honors classes. Why can't you just let me pass math without being a freshman in trig? :mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh AND when my 9 year old brother is in the house (not in the room in the HOUSE) I can't watch CSI and since he has no LIFE I can never watch it.
...then your older Siblings get married and have kids of thier own so all of a sudden you get younger Siblings (that you've never had) No Fun I tell you
wow, very much babies! :eek: who is father? :d no, no i am just joking! :lol: ;)
very nice pictures kou_seiya_girl . :)
My friend has two guinea pigs, we just call them the guineas, and they have been the subject of a LOT of jokes. I love guineas.

I want to get a cat when I live on my own, a black cat, and then name it Elphaba.
I'm such a sucker for kittens, I already have 3 cats and just brought home another one, she is gray with yellow and white. At first my 4 yr old named her Patches, but then she kept asking whats her name?, so she changed it to Pinky.
I have two Shepard mix’s, ones got rot in her, and the other has husky she’s all white and both of her eyes are blue. Then I have two husky’s ones white with tan on his back the other has the standard husky markings. The last of the dogs is my biggest trouble maker but the smallest he’s a shiatsus/terrier he’s a smaller version of Win Dixie.

Three cats two are calicos the first one’s base color is brown with orange, light brown and some white, the other one’s base color is grey with orange, tan, white and very little brown her names Baby but I call her tubby she’s as big as Garfield. My last cat is tiger striped but his mask is so cool as my wife puts it, his face looks like a real tiger but his colors are grey, black and white.

Three birds all white doves and I have an iguana he’s 3 feet long tail and all I can’t wait for him to get full grown he’s starting to get blue spots on him so he’s almost there six feet here comes Goku.
I knew there was a reason :lol:

Just like I move to threads to other forums without looking is there already existing one and jsut think "oh well, they'll close it" :lol:
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