The Official Pets thread

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See, that's a cool name and all, but Sirius is SIRIUS BLACK! In Harry Potter! He animagused into a big black dog! see! See? Gary Oldman! *has a spazz fit* ;) Don't mind me and my obsessive love of Harry Potter.
omg i found this pic of dougal my cat so have used it as my avitar, isnt he just the cutest, hes had a tough time poor little soul, got beaten up by an asian lad just because "he was bored" had 3 pins put in his leg. while he had the bandages on he jumped out of the bedroom window "numpty" and sprained his other leg. he ripped his jew claw out(are they called that?) so now he doesnt have many lives left.
but he is the most loving adorable cat - should have called him garfield hes that fat lol.
have many nicknames for him - douugie, blob, fatso, dougalroo etc but he never takes offence.
Awww!!! I love your guinea pig WillowsWannaBe! She's so cute!! :D I had a guinea pig like that that, except she was all black.
with the server down yesturday i passed time by taking pictures of the kitty
doesnt pixie look adorable in blue?
but if you asked her shed say: get this stupid collar off me right now!
its our attempt to protect the little ctitters that live in our backyard. we hope if they hear her bell jingling they can get a head start. she still sometimes kills things so thats when she gets 'grounded' and put on a leash tied to the house. although a few years back when she was on her leash she caught a bird right out of the air! :eek:
Awww! allmaple your cat, Pixie is so pretty! Love the picture. Yes, she does look adorable in blue! :)

:D Love that second pic too! Does she always wear those types of collars?

Wow! Really? That pretty amazing! Did she eat the bird?
The whole three hour trip up to edmonton was stifiling and it was hot...and grubby. With the dog panting up a storm in the damn back seat! After we ate lunch, I came out and sat next to the dog. I WAS SITTING IN A WHOLE PUDDLE OF DROOL!!! IT WAS SO DISGUSTING!
I've almost 13 years old mixed-breed collie. He has been mine always :), I brought him from kennel when he was a little pup!

I just love him, he is my BIG love!
csi_fanatic87 said:
Awww! allmaple your cat, Pixie is so pretty! Love the picture. Yes, she does look adorable in blue! :)

:D Love that second pic too! Does she always wear those types of collars?

Wow! Really? That pretty amazing! Did she eat the bird?

whe usually put a harness on pixie because sometimes she needs to be on a leash if she gets too adventurous :lol: now that shes older she doesnt leave our backyard anymore, so at the beginning of the summer we didnt put it on her. but then she started killing things so we wanted the bell on her :( she never eats what she catches, she brings them to the back door and waits to give them to us. its gross. but yesturday the birds got their revenge. one dive bombed her and scared her under the deck! :eek:
Oh ok! She seems like cat who loves to have fun! I've heard about cats catching things and then giving them to their owners as a present. It's a sweet gesture but the gift isn't something you really want. :lol:

Aww! Did she get hurt or just scared? Well I think you cat may leave birds alone for a while.
Argos was Ulyses' dog and the only to recognize him after the Troy's war,so it's a good name for a dog,but if you like Sirius most no prob.

Actually Odysseus but the point is after the horrific experience of having to read that in regular english which covers like a page and a half each day (okay a bit more but it was really slow) I couldn't stand having to call him Argos. Besides we skipped that part anyways because we were so far behind because regular english was full of morons.

Don't mind me and my obsessive love of Harry Potter.

trust me Obsessive Harry Potter Fan is just another name for Becky, I could never get tired of it. Well actually I can because my friend will never shut up, I am like Carly we have already discussed that theory 10000 times :rolleyes:.

This is my sister's bird that she calls Jory but since I am the one who takes care of her (and Ellie does absolutely nothing but take the bird out of her cage to play with her, after I trained her to respond well to people) I renamed her Eplphaba and she is basically mine:

I appear to be remaning all the pets in my house. Well that's just because everyone else comes up with stupid names. That will be another decree when I become QUEEN-PRINCESS-RULER-PIRATE -Indisputable- Unoverthrowable- AWESOMEST- Owner of this planet, any pet with a stupid name can be given a better one by me or a member of my royal friends.
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