The Official Pet Thread pt2

Oh Smokey I know this situation very well. This is exactly how we ended up this cute little one six years ago. She was found outside our old store with a fractured hip. I fell in love with her as I was taking her to the vets. Her name is Tuppence. I hope for everyone sake that the kitten either finds a home or is welcomed into your house by Ellie and Cricket :)
Thanks, Cap'n! Your kitties are all so sweet!

My brother said "no". :(

And to make my day even better, just as we were almost home from the vet's, Cricket peed in his carrier. So now the carrier, the car seat, and the cat are stinking beyond belief. :rolleyes:

Cricket looks like a little Frankenstein cat with his shaved neck and stitches! :lol:

ETA: By "car seat" I mean the seat of my car. I don't have a car seat for my cat!
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Oh Smokey, you did the right thing. I'm glad you marked the box that you would consider the adopting.

I know you fell in love with him and the kitty would probably be so happy to be with you. Now you have the time to think about it.

Keep us updated and hope everything goes well with Cricket, even if he does smell. :guffaw: Give him a break, he just had surgery.

And let us know what the vet thought about adding a cat.
Smokey, I had a similar thing happen on a return from the vets once. Only it wasn't just pee :vulcan:

Shame we're not on the same continent cos I'd have that kitty right now.
Smokey, I had a similar thing happen on a return from the vets once. Only it wasn't just pee :vulcan:

Shame we're not on the same continent cos I'd have that kitty right now.

:guffaw: I think I would rather have it be the other, because you can clean that up and it's gone. Cat. Pee. Is. Forever.

Speedy, they thought it would be okay to adopt him, but I'm still not sure.
Smokey, my little black angel Pooky was adopted. She came with a note saying that she was an antisocal cat that fought with other cats. We've had no problems. She doesn't like Tommy but she basically just ignores him. :thumbsup: She also doesn't go much for me disturbing her on her ironing board just to take her picture! :lol:

Took this one of Tommy on Tuesday. He's been doing real good since the surgery for the hernia. His poor tummy. Those little black marks are the stitches from the cancer surgery. Less than a week after those stitches were taken out he had the hernia and ended up with stitches back in the same place. Now he's been free of stitches for about a month and the fur's growing back pretty good. :)

Smokey, my little black angel Pooky was adopted. She came with a note saying that she was an antisocal cat that fought with other cats. We've had no problems. She doesn't like Tommy but she basically just ignores him. :thumbsup: She also doesn't go much for me disturbing her on her ironing board just to take her picture! :lol:

Took this one of Tommy on Tuesday. He's been doing real good since the surgery for the hernia. His poor tummy. Those little black marks are the stitches from the cancer surgery. Less than a week after those stitches were taken out he had the hernia and ended up with stitches back in the same place. Now he's been free of stitches for about a month and the fur's growing back pretty good. :)


I should try to get a picture of Cricket's battle scars. :lol: His neck is shaved and has stitches like your Tommy. It's all wrinkly looking. And his front leg is shaved except the paw. looks like just a bone with a mitten on it!

Glad to hear Tommy's doing well.

Now. Suggestions to get the Cricket pee smell out of my car?! Good grief....and yes, I'm using Nature's Miracle, but it's still rank.
He's doing real good considering we thought he was going to die on my birthday. :thumbsup:

As for the pee smell - we don't have that problem. :shifty: We got pads in our cat carriers. :lol: Just shove the pad in the washer and wash out the carrier and you're done!


Thought I would join in this thread, although you all seem to have cats and dogs, whereas I have this little fella

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A-ha! Update on my cats. Looks like the oldest cat, after all, will kinda adopt our Mauri :eek:
And to make my day even better, just as we were almost home from the vet's, Cricket peed in his carrier. So now the carrier, the car seat, and the cat are stinking beyond belief. :rolleyes:

My puppy peed on my lab when I took him to the vets, but where he'd done it, it looked like it was me that couldn't control my bladder :shifty:
i miss my kitty and my ratties :( its been three weeks since ive seen them and ive got 3 and a half more months to go! until then ive been filling the animal void with the ones that roam campus

this is lola a pot hound (mutt) we snuck into our dorm room :lol:
and mama/nipples (depending on who you ask) the other campus pot hound
one of the many, many campus cats i named her ceiling cat because she is pure white. if you look real close you can see her drooling :lol:
yep, campus is crawling with them. the dogs usually hang out near the vet buildings, but the cats are up by the library. its a big ass hill and i dont need to go up there so i havent seen the kitties for a while.

we tried to sneak lola into our room again the other night, we want to give her a bath, but there was a security guard watching us :shifty: i think hes onto us...

everyone else on my floor is med students, so when my roommate and i were bringing lola up they said "let me guess, vet students?" :lol: we will get her in here again, shes been in a lot of the other vet students rooms. mama was too busy eating a discarded chicken wing to come up with us...
You may remember the found kitty that I fretted about a while back? I took her to the shelter, but I'm thinking I might try to adopt her if she's still there in a couple of weeks (I'm going out of town). I thought I would name her Katydid...Katy for short, but the shelter named her Truffles which is just as cute I think. :)

The good thing about our shelter is that once an animal is up for adoption, it stays up until it finds a home, so no worries.

Here she is. :) She looks a little scared here, but she's really very friendly. She looks bigger in the picture too, but she's very small. So cute!