The Off-Topic Thread.

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Kiwi_kid said
Am I the only one who is getting a bit sick of political correctness? I mean today at work I got told that we can no longer call it brainstorming – it is now having a ‘thought shower’

My whiteboard is also no-longer to be called that it is now a dry-erase board or something, yeah right!

Well I can see the connection to 'whiteboard' seeing as they think people who aren't 'white' will be offended but...The board IS white. Therefore, it's a WHITE BOARD. :rolleyes:

So should they ban the word blackboard now?

And I don't understand either, how the word brainstorming can be considered offensive. Offensive to whom? People without brains? So the word 'thought shower' is any different? That's not even political correctness, that's a synonym for brainstorm.

Me: Oh crap I'm having a brainstorm. CALL THE COPS!

I agree. I had the same thought about whiteboard and blackboard. But brainstorming still confuses me. Go figure.

random: Does anybody else get mystery bruises? I get them all the time. Like, right now, I have one on my knee. At the top, kind of in the corner. It's just a little bruise, but I have no idea where it came from. The last one I had was huge. It was on the back of my arm, just above my wrist. And it was really dark too, like completely black. Again, no idea where I got it from. So is it just me that gets these, or does anyone else?
Earlier today I squashed a mosquito against the bathroom tiles, now every time I go to the bathroom I start laughing when I see it. It's looks real funny, with all its limbs sprawled out, smashed flat against the wall. And the blood pattern looks mighty interesting too :lol:
Anyone think that's weird?
One time I killed a mosquito against my friends window and left it there to see how long it would be there. It was there for like...2 months or something :lol:

Hmm...I just stole my roommmates juice...I wonder if she'll notice :lol:
Why should I wipe it off? I'm having way too much fun with it while I'm busy doing :lol:
Besides, I'm waiting on how long it takes for my mother or sister to notice it. Knowing them I'd say at least 2 days :lol:
When I graduated and we were in the bar that night.. of course wearing the hats (white/black) and when we were waiting for our taxi at 5:00am, my friend says "OMG! You have a mosquito on your hat!" rises her hand and is ready to squash it I'm like :eek: and she realises "oh...bloodpattern wouldn't look good on your white hat"


I'm always killing ants in my room. I have one on my door and it's been there for...A year? :p I can still see the long line of blood being dragged all the way down my door. I hate ants. :lol:
Why do you hate them? They're cute. When I was a kid I would sit in the backyard just watching them for hours...I had a sad
Eew, I rarely kill anything on purpose. (Although I have been known to vacuum ants up once or twice). I couldn't bear to see the blood, it would give me sleepless nights. :p

When I was little my Dad killed a big spider in my room, squashed it dead against the wall (I thought he would capture it and move it but no...), there was smeared blood and about two hours later, having still not managed to get the thought out of my mind I had to get him to come back and clean it up! He was not happy. :lol:
Well I don't like ants because there were a bunch in my wall and eventually learned how to fly so I have a thing about giant black flying things in the dozens crawling all over me at night. ;)

I really need to get a new playlist. My taste in music is horrid. :p
I just uploaded a bunch of Evanescence in my library(I just listen to my library of music, it's too much effort to make a playlist :p)

Hahah, omg. I am SO disturbed right now, my roommate decided to run around the house wearing nothing but a t-shirt and her underwear! And she jsut threw a box at my head cause I wouldn't let her wear my pants!
lol. I miss my old roomie. She never threw anything at me... well, she probably did, actually, just when we'd had too much sugar. *Sigh* I dislike being back in my parents house.
hahaha rommate thinks im doing homework! oh im so bad!!
lol haha

i watched the sponge bob squate pants movie today and i laughed my a** off!
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